
EP Church launches 50th anniversary

Sat, 14 May 2005 Source: GNA

Accra, May 14, GNA - Activities marking the year-long celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Bethel Evangelical Presbyterian Church at Accra New Town on the theme; "Unity and Peace for the National Development: The Churches Role" would start from June 2005 to June 2006.

Speaking to the Ghana News Agency in Accra on Saturday, the Reverend O. K. Klu, Head Pastor of the Church said the activities would include; a symposium for capacity development, health talks on the menace of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, blood donation; community interaction and fun games.

He said that the other activities were the establishment of millennium development foundation, donation to vulnerable groups, a road safety campaign, excursion, musical shows and a tree planting exercise. Rev Klu said the period would be used to publicise the role of the Church in the nation building.

He said the Church had the responsibility to educate the youth and the aged to share ideas, sensitise the community on national development issues and the role of religious bodies in a multi-party democratic system.

Rev Klu said the anniversary would be used to raise funds for the building of a new Church dubbed the "Millennium Monumental Building" at Kotobabi in Accra

Mr Victor Ameyibor, the anniversary project manager stressed the need for the Church to define its role to meet the challenges of Information Communication and Technology.

"The Church must be the leader, but if they failed to wake up the world would continue to dictate, influence and direct the life of the youth," he said.

Source: GNA