
Easter Greetings To The People Of Ghana

Fri, 10 Apr 2009 Source: agbozo, enoch immanuel a.

Enoch Immanuel A. Agbozo

We salute President Prof. John Atta-Mills, Government, Church and People of Ghana in the name of the Most High God, Creator of heaven and earth, God, Redeemer and King of Ghana.

We bring you glad tidings of joy, and assurance of peace, stability, security and glory for the country. Ghana shall be built as one compact and blessed nation, Star of Africa in the Hand of the Most High God. Satan and the wicked of the world shall no more have dominion over Ghana, the land, nation and people chosen of the Lord God Almighty for His praise and glory in all the earth. Jehovah God is the God, builder, protector, defence and salvation of Beulah His chosen bridal nation.

We make this declaration in full assurance of confidence, faith and trust in THE LOVE and POWER of GOD who created the world and bestowed diverse virtues or powers on all creation and “has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their habitation” (Acts 17: 26).

It is He the Almighty who in His grace, wisdom and working power directed the various tribes or ethnic groups to come and dwell in this part of the world, long before it was declared as a territory, nation and people called Ghana. No one man, leader, chief, priest, or wise man, no hunter, warrior, leader or any ethnic group has claim, right or other over the territory and people of Ghana. God in His matchless wisdom and power worked it all out.

TO HIM THEREFORE BE ALL THE GLORY. From HIM Ghana as nation and people has drawn strength and integrity as tribes in one nation from the beginning. And from Him Ghana will continue to draw salvation, strength and integrity whatever the works of Satan, spirit, men and enemies, whatever the condemnation, curses, damnable acts and the threats of saboteurs, evil workers and wicked.

Ghana shall stand, develop, grow, prosper and flourish as a land and people of peace, unity and blessedness in the Hands of the Most High God.


The vision of God for Ghana is nation and people Holy unto Himself, married and established in His Kingdom glory on earth and a crown of glory and a royal diadem in the hand of Him the LORD (Is. 62) This vision of God Almighty for Ghana is what the Spirit of the Lord would have His servant convey to the Government, Church and People of Ghana at this year’s Easter. Ghana to-day is the work of the Almighty, not of man, group or power. It is this that Ghana as nation and people should join together to celebrate with praise, joy and thanksgiving.

Now, Easter is a time of THE CELEBRATION OF THE LOVE and POWER OF GOD exhibited profusely and without measure in the coming, crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ stand most eloquently for the love and power of God towards humanity. The CROSS like the rainbow is the divine symbol, atonement and reconciliation, the remission of sins and peace on earth and goodwill towards man. The Cross is accepted, acknowledged, honoured and respected unobtrusively by spirits, men and nations as symbol of peace. The blood shed on the Cross is the height of the love and power of God in the deliverance of man from sin, curses, sickness and death and spiritual captivity as a whole. The resurrection on the other hand has put paid to the harassment of man by death, the fear of death, the grave and Satan and the challenges of the weaknesses of fallen man.

In CHRIST JESUS IS GOD’S LOVE and POWER, LIFE, LIGHT and LIBERTY, SALVATION and REDEMPTION, VICTORY and GLORY released to fallen man. This is the height of restoration of glory.

We declare to President Mills and his Cabinet, Parliament and the Judiciary, the Chiefs and the Fourth Estate, the Church and Civil Society as a whole that EASTER IS AN APPOINTED TIME TO ALL PEOPLES and NATIONS who have come to the knowledge of the True and Living God, His Love and Power, and Blessed way in Christ Jesus to make an open confession and acknowledgement of God, His LOVE and POWER, REDEMPTION and RESTORATION. In worship, praise, thanksgiving and prayer people invite the Goodness and Mercy, Blessedness and Joy, Protection and Providence, Presence and Glory of the Most High unto themselves. Christmas is a celebration of the release of the DIVINE SPIRIT to man and the world. Easter on the other hand is celebration of The LOVE and POWER of God in the Salvation, Redemption and Restoration of glory to man.

Thank God, colonial Britain placed the Gold Coast under the wings and secret place of the Almighty in Christ Jesus to the nation. Our fathers, chiefs, elders and people, and also the governments of independent Ghana have to-date accepted and honoured this BLESSED PEACE, JOY, VICTORY and HOPE in CHRIST JESUS.

We trust that Government, Church and People will join hands together TO CALL UPON THE ALMIGHTY and COMMIT this time of times of global challenges, to visit His Victory, Blessing, Peace and Security upon the nation so we continue the building of the nation in peace as ONE PEOPLE, ONE NATION under ONE GOD.



April 8, 2009

Source: agbozo, enoch immanuel a.