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Easter Services From Around Ghana

Fri, 6 Apr 2007 Source: GNA

Accra: Delivering the sermon at the Kaneshie Presbyterian Church of Ghana, the Right Reverend Dr Yaw Frimpong-Manso, Moderator, called on Ghanaians to be united in all endeavours and stop betraying one another. He said the act of betrayal as committed by one of the disciple of Jesus, Judas Iscariot that led to the arrest, torture and eventual death of Jesus.

"It is therefore prudent for all Ghanaians to learn from the passion and death of Jesus to love one another, work in unity and stop all the backbiting and other acts of betrayal that did not help the nation to grow.

"No-one would come from outside to destroy Ghana, except Ghanaians themselves and no one would build the nation for us except ourselves," The Moderator said at a Good Friday Service in Accra. Rt Rev. Dr. Frimpong-Manso said Easter and the Passion celebration were to remind all especially Christians that there was a saviour, who died to reconcile all to himself and God.

He called on Christians to reflect on the forgiveness pronounced by Jesus against his accusers

and those who tortured him and also forgive one another, praying fervently for one another and the nation as a whole. "While the leaders try to find solutions to the problems that are confronting the nation such as the energy crisis, it is important that Christians also prayed so that God would open the heavens and pour down rain to fill the dam.

"As we go through turbulent moments, we need not draw the dagger, because we should all know that those who draw the dagger die by the dagger," the Moderator said.

He urged the leaders of the nation to be truthful to the people at all times, because leadership was an issue of sacrifice and truthfulness at all times.

The church, he said, was to play the advocacy role in bringing joy, peace and love to the poor and needy in society. Rt. Rev. Dr Frimpong-Manson called on all to promote environmental cleanliness and ensure that the forest was preserved for the survival of man.


At the Church of Pentecost, Madina Area Zonal Easter Convention under the theme, 93This Same Jesus Will Come Back Again", the Reverend Jerry Paul Adzah, Madina North District Pastor said Christians should use the death of Christ to reflect on their lives and make the necessary transformation to fulfill the aim of His death. He explained that, 93there was more to the death and resurrection of the Christ and that is what Christians should focus on". Rev. Adzah noted that on the last day when 93the Book of Life is opened we will be judged according to what we did on earth and receive our rewards accordingly". He therefore urged Christians to use the occasion to prepare well so that they did not fall short of his glory. More REA


Worshippers at the Wesley Methodist Cathedral in Accra also marked the Crucifixion of Christ on Good Friday with a solemn service to remind Christians of the suffering Jesus Christ went through to safe mankind from sin.
As usual, the Church was filled to capacity with the Women Fellowship group wearing their black and white attire with the Men Fellowship in their dark blue suits to signify the state of mourning in remembrance of the death of Christ.
The Very Reverend Alfred Aryeetey in-charge of the Church said Christ devoted His whole life to mankind and as Christians received this gift of love, they must also commit their whole life to the fostering of peace and development of the nation.
He said love must permeate through the lives of all Ghanaians irrespective of their ethnic background and political affiliation and must learn to forgive one another.
Rev. Aryeetey said Jesus Christ was not guilty of the suffering He went through and though Pontius Pilate wanted to free Him, the people shouted for His crucifixion to make manifest the will of God to bridge the gap between God and man.
He said this great service Jesus performed to lead man out of the path of darkness did not mean man should continue to wallow in sin but he must make a conscious effort to desist from doing evil. Touching on the energy crisis, Rev. Aryeetey said it was the prayer of all Ghanaians that the Lord would intervene and give the country enough rains as well as wisdom to those at the helm of affairs, to solve the problem.
"We should not as a nation, play the blame game. We should come together to solve whatever problem we have amicably. Today it is the NPP but tomorrow it might be CPP or NDC or GCPP. Despite the party in power, there was the need for each of us to contribute our quota to build our nation Ghana."
He called for God's guidance in every endeavour the country sets out to undertake.
The Church would observe the "Seven words on the Cross" and undertake a procession of witnesses where local churches in the area would come together to give exhortation to the public.

Anaji (W/R)

At Anaji The Reverend Thomas Ekow Nana Ansah, Minister in charge of the Christ the King Methodist Church said the death of Christ must be valuable to all Christians.
He said the death of Christ was a sacrifice that superseded all sacrifices and urged Christians to lay down their lives for their neighbours.
Rev. Ansah was preaching the sermon as part of the Easter celebrations on the theme: "The passion and death of Christ. He advised Christians to demonstrate their love towards each other, adding that without love and unity progress would not be achieved. Rev. Ansah urged Christians to renew their commitment to Christ, accept and support the physically challenged to be able to lead descent lives.
He advised them not to despise the disadvantaged in society but to demonstrate genuine love to mankind.
Pastor Peter Ackon, of the True Christian Bible Church at Anaji said the Easter season should be used by all Christians to demonstrate the love of Christ.
He said the church decided to embark on a cleanup exercise to rid the community of mosquitoes.
Speaking to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) after the clean up exercise Pastor Ackon said healthy living and environmental cleanliness could transform the society.
He said the death of Christ must transform all sectors of the nation and charged Christians to let their light shine. Pastor Ackon charged Ghanaians to use the Easter season to work and promote unity and to work had and improve on their respective sectors for national growth and development.

African offered Jesus Christ assistance when he was denied by his own people

Accra, April 6, GNA - Africa offered Jesus Christ assistance when the people of Asia and Europe denied him during his earthly ministry about 2,000 years ago, the Very Reverend J.M.Y. Edusa-Eyison of the Ghana Police Church said on Friday.
Very Rev. Edusa-Eyison, who was preaching the Good Friday sermon, said when the people of Asia and Europe represented by the Jews and the Roman soldiers, denied and tortured Jesus, respectively, Simon a Cyrenian, representing Africans, offered him assistance by carrying his cross for him.
He said that was not the first time Africans assisted Jesus Christ citing the time when Joseph was directed to send the baby Jesus to Egypt because the powers that be wanted to kill him.
Very Rev. Edusa-Eyison said despite the scorn and torture meted out to Jesus he still loved the perpetrators and asked God to forgive them adding that God through Christ offered men reprieve from sin. He said it was through the suffering of Jesus that humanity had its being and hope adding that the love one had for him drew one to Jesus, who conducted a peaceful campaign by enduring suffering.
Very Rev Edusa-Eyison asked Christians not to be afraid of the forces of darkness because Jesus had made them more than conquerors. Short sermons were delivered on the seven statements Jesus made while on the cross.

Hohoe (V/R)

At Hohoe, Reverend David Delali, Resident Pastor of Top Charismatic Ministry at Hohoe on Good Friday exhorted Christians to take courage from Christ's death and resurrection to differentiate between right and wrong, good from evil and not to be swayed by the loudness and materialism of the world.
" The period should renew our faith and devotion to God and humanity".
In another sermon at the Jubilee Christian Centre in Ho, Reverend James Noble Tulasi, Head Pastor called on Christians to use the Easter festivities to renew their covenant with God to be able to withstand the tribulations of the world.
He asked Christians to focus on and apply the lessons of Christ's death to get closer to the "Saviour" through the renewal of faith and good works.


At Sunyani, The Very Reverend Samuel Adu-Boateng, Superintendent Minister of the Sunyani Circuit of the Methodist Church on Good Friday urged Christians to ensure that the celebration of Easter changed their lifestyles.
He said: "The celebration of the death of Our Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross should be the end of our commitment of sins." "It should not only be the ritual of cladding in mourning clothes and confessing to our sins only to go wayward again after the festivities", the Reverend Minister stressed in a sermon at a Good Friday service at the Wesley Cathedral in Sunyani.
Rev Adu-Boateng expressed regret that Christians had limited the celebration of the death of the Saviour to the festivities, stressing: "The significance of the Cross on which the Saviour died should be central to our Christian faith".
The Methodist priest noted that the celebration of the death of Christ demanded attitudinal change among Christians since it bridged the vacuum created between God and man by sin.
"Christians must give meaning to the passion and death of Christ who showed a high and unparalleled level of love for humankind", Rev Adu-Boateng added.


Prophet Osei Amaniampong, Sunyani Area head of the Church of Pentecost preaching at a convention of the church at Bechem called on Ghanaians to beware of so-called "prophets of doom" who peddle lies to cause fear and anxiety among the populace. He urged Ghanaians, especially Christians, to have faith in God and to avoid "short-cut" means of receiving blessings from God to escape damnation unto themselves. The church leader advised Ghanaians to eschew excessive quest for wealth and power, explaining that "greed kills a nation and this social canker must not be allowed to control us to ruin us and the national economy". Mr Osei Sekyere Bota, Tano South District Chief Executive, debunked allegations that Bechem "is the witchcraft centre of Ghana". He advised detractors of the town to spare it the agony of being abused with such derogatory titles as many churches operate in and around the town. The DCE called on religious bodies to be more socially responsible and to partner the government in the implementation of its policies.


At Ho, Reverend Innocent D Kofi Aflakpui, a retired Priest of the Evangelical Presbyterian (EP) Church, Ghana has expressed concern about the urge among Ghanaian workers to resort to occultism to settle disputes at workplaces.
He said while some workers kept certain objects as protection others are virtually on their marks to run to spiritualists on account of petty workplace jealousies.
Rev. Aflakpui who was preaching the sermon at the SSNIT EP Church on Good Friday said Jesus' suffering and death on the cross should instil in every Christian the spirit of perseverance and the will to suffer a little for others.
He condemned backbiting and exhorted Christians not allow spite and hatred to govern their relations with others.
Rev Aflakpui also expressed disgust at the rush for money and other material things, which he said had led many to death and incarceration. In her sermon at the Elorm E P Church, Ho Bankoe, Mrs Esther Malwine Edu-Yao Catechist, said Jesus Christ's readiness to forgive his crucifiers in his moment of pain on the cross showed the power of forgiveness to disarm one's bitterest enemies and to win their love and admiration.
She said for that Centurion, who stood guard over Jesus Christ on the cross to realize that Jesus Christ was indeed the Son of God, was an eloquent testimony of the power of forgiveness to bring people away from the path of destruction into eternal life. Mrs Adu-Yao said by that example, Jesus Christ was telling Christians that there was no wrong that they could not forgive and that forgiveness; the true mark of a Christian was the most potent weapon of disarming one's enemies.


In a sermon at the Cathedral Church of the Most Holy Trinity in Accra to mark Good Friday, the Reverend Father Patrick B. Okaijah-Bortier, said God intervened in the sinful situation of mankind by allowing the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ to ensure total reconciliation of mankind to himself. The atonement of the sins of mankind, as marked by Christians worldwide on Good Friday, is the symbolic confirmation of the total reconciliation of God with humans after the sins of Adam and Eve, he said.
He related Easter to a period of sober reflection, renewal and reconciliation with both God and mankind and strategies on how best to improve upon what could not be achieved over the past year. Rev. Father Okaijah-Bortier said after the incident in the Garden of Eden, man became exposed to the wicked devices of the devil and was led further into darkness, wallowing in a world engulfed with hatred, selfishness, pettiness and self-ambition.
He said God's divine forgiveness came through the sacrifice of his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, even though at the time mankind was not ready to reconcile himself to God.
"Man was supposed to realise his sins, but since he did not, God took the initiative to reconcile mankind to himself to save him from eternal condemnation and this must be emulated by all," he said. Rev. Father Okaijah-Bortier said the lessons of Easter indicated that there was the need for one party, usually the elderly, in a conflict situation to take the initiative in a reconciliation process to ensure peace and unity.
He called on Ghanaians, especially those in leadership positions, to reciprocate the example of Easter by showing humility, forgiveness, love and respect for each other as well as ensure peaceful co-existence with all.
"We must not sacrifice the happiness of others on the altar for the sake of our own selfish ambitions, but strive to be at peace with all to sustain the peaceful atmosphere and democratic process of the country.


Apostle Stephen Larbie, Territorial Apostle
and Field Director of the Christ Apostolic Church International (CAC) on Friday encouraged Ghanaians to remain steadfast in the Lord even in the face of challenges.
He said: 93Our weakness and shortcomings as a nation economically, politically and socially should not be seen as an end, but rather an opportunity to realize God's power." Apostle Larbie was preaching at the beginning of a three-day Easter Convention by the Accra West Territory of the Church on the theme: "God's Power in Weakness."
The convention brought thousands of members of the church from different branches within the Accra metropolis together with pastors from different regions.
He stressed that human weakness was a medium, which God releases His power to do miracles in the life of his children and referred to Apostle Paul who said: "When I am weak, I am strong."
Apostle Larbie urged Ghanaians especially Christians that 93as we celebrate our 50th anniversary, we should believe in His power to overcome our shortcomings".
The convention, which ends of Easter Monday, will focus on the overall theme: "The Day of His Power."
Apostle Larbie later led the congregation to pray for the nation and its leaders as well as national development and prosperity.

Cape Coast

Churches in the Cape Coast municipality were filled to capacity as Christians held church services to commemorate the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary more than 2000 years ago. The Orthodox churches sketched events which led to the crucifixion and death of Jesus.
Most of the people were in black and red clothing to signify the solemnity of the day and prayed for the development and growth of the church, President John Agyekum Kufuor, Ministers and Member of the Council of State, as well as war ravished countries. In a sermon at the St Joseph Catholic, the Reverend Fr. Samuel Asantey, said the death of Jesus has tremendous significance to all and asked that the day should be used for true reconciliation and forgiveness just as Christ forgave those who persecuted and had him crucified.
He pointed out that it was not only the boisterous crowd on Calvary which needed God's forgiveness but everyone and therefore stressed the need for all to take advantage of the solemn commemoration of the death of Jesus to change their attitude and endeavour to grasp what it means to be forgiven and saved.
Fr. Asantey described Good Friday as a 93perfect day" for the "healing of spiritual wounds" and urged Christians to use it to heal their wounds and truly forgive their neighbours from their hearts and transform all their hurts bitterness and unfaithfulness to God, into prayer, this he stressed would be the only way they would be acting as true followers of Christ.
He urged Christians to be committed to the truth and the profession of their faith in Christ by upholding the gospel and its value and the authentic Ghanaians value systems.
At the Wesley Methodist Cathedral, the superintendent minister in-charge, Very Rev. Theophilus Anderson hoped the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on that fateful Friday, reconciled two bitterest enemies, Pilate and Herod and therefore hoped the former President Jerry John Rawlings and President Kufuor would, as Catholics would become friends. He said apart from reconciliation, Christ's death was also designed to save and set mankind free from all kinds of bondages, including sin, hatred, acrimony and discrimination.
Rev. Anderson urged all Christians to use the occasion to transform their characters and attitudes to true followers of Christ to show the world that His death could really bring relief to the captive and reconciliation to enemies.

Accra: Delivering the sermon at the Kaneshie Presbyterian Church of Ghana, the Right Reverend Dr Yaw Frimpong-Manso, Moderator, called on Ghanaians to be united in all endeavours and stop betraying one another. He said the act of betrayal as committed by one of the disciple of Jesus, Judas Iscariot that led to the arrest, torture and eventual death of Jesus.

"It is therefore prudent for all Ghanaians to learn from the passion and death of Jesus to love one another, work in unity and stop all the backbiting and other acts of betrayal that did not help the nation to grow.

"No-one would come from outside to destroy Ghana, except Ghanaians themselves and no one would build the nation for us except ourselves," The Moderator said at a Good Friday Service in Accra. Rt Rev. Dr. Frimpong-Manso said Easter and the Passion celebration were to remind all especially Christians that there was a saviour, who died to reconcile all to himself and God.

He called on Christians to reflect on the forgiveness pronounced by Jesus against his accusers

and those who tortured him and also forgive one another, praying fervently for one another and the nation as a whole. "While the leaders try to find solutions to the problems that are confronting the nation such as the energy crisis, it is important that Christians also prayed so that God would open the heavens and pour down rain to fill the dam.

"As we go through turbulent moments, we need not draw the dagger, because we should all know that those who draw the dagger die by the dagger," the Moderator said.

He urged the leaders of the nation to be truthful to the people at all times, because leadership was an issue of sacrifice and truthfulness at all times.

The church, he said, was to play the advocacy role in bringing joy, peace and love to the poor and needy in society. Rt. Rev. Dr Frimpong-Manson called on all to promote environmental cleanliness and ensure that the forest was preserved for the survival of man.


At the Church of Pentecost, Madina Area Zonal Easter Convention under the theme, 93This Same Jesus Will Come Back Again", the Reverend Jerry Paul Adzah, Madina North District Pastor said Christians should use the death of Christ to reflect on their lives and make the necessary transformation to fulfill the aim of His death. He explained that, 93there was more to the death and resurrection of the Christ and that is what Christians should focus on". Rev. Adzah noted that on the last day when 93the Book of Life is opened we will be judged according to what we did on earth and receive our rewards accordingly". He therefore urged Christians to use the occasion to prepare well so that they did not fall short of his glory. More REA


Worshippers at the Wesley Methodist Cathedral in Accra also marked the Crucifixion of Christ on Good Friday with a solemn service to remind Christians of the suffering Jesus Christ went through to safe mankind from sin.
As usual, the Church was filled to capacity with the Women Fellowship group wearing their black and white attire with the Men Fellowship in their dark blue suits to signify the state of mourning in remembrance of the death of Christ.
The Very Reverend Alfred Aryeetey in-charge of the Church said Christ devoted His whole life to mankind and as Christians received this gift of love, they must also commit their whole life to the fostering of peace and development of the nation.
He said love must permeate through the lives of all Ghanaians irrespective of their ethnic background and political affiliation and must learn to forgive one another.
Rev. Aryeetey said Jesus Christ was not guilty of the suffering He went through and though Pontius Pilate wanted to free Him, the people shouted for His crucifixion to make manifest the will of God to bridge the gap between God and man.
He said this great service Jesus performed to lead man out of the path of darkness did not mean man should continue to wallow in sin but he must make a conscious effort to desist from doing evil. Touching on the energy crisis, Rev. Aryeetey said it was the prayer of all Ghanaians that the Lord would intervene and give the country enough rains as well as wisdom to those at the helm of affairs, to solve the problem.
"We should not as a nation, play the blame game. We should come together to solve whatever problem we have amicably. Today it is the NPP but tomorrow it might be CPP or NDC or GCPP. Despite the party in power, there was the need for each of us to contribute our quota to build our nation Ghana."
He called for God's guidance in every endeavour the country sets out to undertake.
The Church would observe the "Seven words on the Cross" and undertake a procession of witnesses where local churches in the area would come together to give exhortation to the public.

Anaji (W/R)

At Anaji The Reverend Thomas Ekow Nana Ansah, Minister in charge of the Christ the King Methodist Church said the death of Christ must be valuable to all Christians.
He said the death of Christ was a sacrifice that superseded all sacrifices and urged Christians to lay down their lives for their neighbours.
Rev. Ansah was preaching the sermon as part of the Easter celebrations on the theme: "The passion and death of Christ. He advised Christians to demonstrate their love towards each other, adding that without love and unity progress would not be achieved. Rev. Ansah urged Christians to renew their commitment to Christ, accept and support the physically challenged to be able to lead descent lives.
He advised them not to despise the disadvantaged in society but to demonstrate genuine love to mankind.
Pastor Peter Ackon, of the True Christian Bible Church at Anaji said the Easter season should be used by all Christians to demonstrate the love of Christ.
He said the church decided to embark on a cleanup exercise to rid the community of mosquitoes.
Speaking to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) after the clean up exercise Pastor Ackon said healthy living and environmental cleanliness could transform the society.
He said the death of Christ must transform all sectors of the nation and charged Christians to let their light shine. Pastor Ackon charged Ghanaians to use the Easter season to work and promote unity and to work had and improve on their respective sectors for national growth and development.

African offered Jesus Christ assistance when he was denied by his own people

Accra, April 6, GNA - Africa offered Jesus Christ assistance when the people of Asia and Europe denied him during his earthly ministry about 2,000 years ago, the Very Reverend J.M.Y. Edusa-Eyison of the Ghana Police Church said on Friday.
Very Rev. Edusa-Eyison, who was preaching the Good Friday sermon, said when the people of Asia and Europe represented by the Jews and the Roman soldiers, denied and tortured Jesus, respectively, Simon a Cyrenian, representing Africans, offered him assistance by carrying his cross for him.
He said that was not the first time Africans assisted Jesus Christ citing the time when Joseph was directed to send the baby Jesus to Egypt because the powers that be wanted to kill him.
Very Rev. Edusa-Eyison said despite the scorn and torture meted out to Jesus he still loved the perpetrators and asked God to forgive them adding that God through Christ offered men reprieve from sin. He said it was through the suffering of Jesus that humanity had its being and hope adding that the love one had for him drew one to Jesus, who conducted a peaceful campaign by enduring suffering.
Very Rev Edusa-Eyison asked Christians not to be afraid of the forces of darkness because Jesus had made them more than conquerors. Short sermons were delivered on the seven statements Jesus made while on the cross.

Hohoe (V/R)

At Hohoe, Reverend David Delali, Resident Pastor of Top Charismatic Ministry at Hohoe on Good Friday exhorted Christians to take courage from Christ's death and resurrection to differentiate between right and wrong, good from evil and not to be swayed by the loudness and materialism of the world.
" The period should renew our faith and devotion to God and humanity".
In another sermon at the Jubilee Christian Centre in Ho, Reverend James Noble Tulasi, Head Pastor called on Christians to use the Easter festivities to renew their covenant with God to be able to withstand the tribulations of the world.
He asked Christians to focus on and apply the lessons of Christ's death to get closer to the "Saviour" through the renewal of faith and good works.


At Sunyani, The Very Reverend Samuel Adu-Boateng, Superintendent Minister of the Sunyani Circuit of the Methodist Church on Good Friday urged Christians to ensure that the celebration of Easter changed their lifestyles.
He said: "The celebration of the death of Our Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross should be the end of our commitment of sins." "It should not only be the ritual of cladding in mourning clothes and confessing to our sins only to go wayward again after the festivities", the Reverend Minister stressed in a sermon at a Good Friday service at the Wesley Cathedral in Sunyani.
Rev Adu-Boateng expressed regret that Christians had limited the celebration of the death of the Saviour to the festivities, stressing: "The significance of the Cross on which the Saviour died should be central to our Christian faith".
The Methodist priest noted that the celebration of the death of Christ demanded attitudinal change among Christians since it bridged the vacuum created between God and man by sin.
"Christians must give meaning to the passion and death of Christ who showed a high and unparalleled level of love for humankind", Rev Adu-Boateng added.


Prophet Osei Amaniampong, Sunyani Area head of the Church of Pentecost preaching at a convention of the church at Bechem called on Ghanaians to beware of so-called "prophets of doom" who peddle lies to cause fear and anxiety among the populace. He urged Ghanaians, especially Christians, to have faith in God and to avoid "short-cut" means of receiving blessings from God to escape damnation unto themselves. The church leader advised Ghanaians to eschew excessive quest for wealth and power, explaining that "greed kills a nation and this social canker must not be allowed to control us to ruin us and the national economy". Mr Osei Sekyere Bota, Tano South District Chief Executive, debunked allegations that Bechem "is the witchcraft centre of Ghana". He advised detractors of the town to spare it the agony of being abused with such derogatory titles as many churches operate in and around the town. The DCE called on religious bodies to be more socially responsible and to partner the government in the implementation of its policies.


At Ho, Reverend Innocent D Kofi Aflakpui, a retired Priest of the Evangelical Presbyterian (EP) Church, Ghana has expressed concern about the urge among Ghanaian workers to resort to occultism to settle disputes at workplaces.
He said while some workers kept certain objects as protection others are virtually on their marks to run to spiritualists on account of petty workplace jealousies.
Rev. Aflakpui who was preaching the sermon at the SSNIT EP Church on Good Friday said Jesus' suffering and death on the cross should instil in every Christian the spirit of perseverance and the will to suffer a little for others.
He condemned backbiting and exhorted Christians not allow spite and hatred to govern their relations with others.
Rev Aflakpui also expressed disgust at the rush for money and other material things, which he said had led many to death and incarceration. In her sermon at the Elorm E P Church, Ho Bankoe, Mrs Esther Malwine Edu-Yao Catechist, said Jesus Christ's readiness to forgive his crucifiers in his moment of pain on the cross showed the power of forgiveness to disarm one's bitterest enemies and to win their love and admiration.
She said for that Centurion, who stood guard over Jesus Christ on the cross to realize that Jesus Christ was indeed the Son of God, was an eloquent testimony of the power of forgiveness to bring people away from the path of destruction into eternal life. Mrs Adu-Yao said by that example, Jesus Christ was telling Christians that there was no wrong that they could not forgive and that forgiveness; the true mark of a Christian was the most potent weapon of disarming one's enemies.


In a sermon at the Cathedral Church of the Most Holy Trinity in Accra to mark Good Friday, the Reverend Father Patrick B. Okaijah-Bortier, said God intervened in the sinful situation of mankind by allowing the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ to ensure total reconciliation of mankind to himself. The atonement of the sins of mankind, as marked by Christians worldwide on Good Friday, is the symbolic confirmation of the total reconciliation of God with humans after the sins of Adam and Eve, he said.
He related Easter to a period of sober reflection, renewal and reconciliation with both God and mankind and strategies on how best to improve upon what could not be achieved over the past year. Rev. Father Okaijah-Bortier said after the incident in the Garden of Eden, man became exposed to the wicked devices of the devil and was led further into darkness, wallowing in a world engulfed with hatred, selfishness, pettiness and self-ambition.
He said God's divine forgiveness came through the sacrifice of his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, even though at the time mankind was not ready to reconcile himself to God.
"Man was supposed to realise his sins, but since he did not, God took the initiative to reconcile mankind to himself to save him from eternal condemnation and this must be emulated by all," he said. Rev. Father Okaijah-Bortier said the lessons of Easter indicated that there was the need for one party, usually the elderly, in a conflict situation to take the initiative in a reconciliation process to ensure peace and unity.
He called on Ghanaians, especially those in leadership positions, to reciprocate the example of Easter by showing humility, forgiveness, love and respect for each other as well as ensure peaceful co-existence with all.
"We must not sacrifice the happiness of others on the altar for the sake of our own selfish ambitions, but strive to be at peace with all to sustain the peaceful atmosphere and democratic process of the country.


Apostle Stephen Larbie, Territorial Apostle
and Field Director of the Christ Apostolic Church International (CAC) on Friday encouraged Ghanaians to remain steadfast in the Lord even in the face of challenges.
He said: 93Our weakness and shortcomings as a nation economically, politically and socially should not be seen as an end, but rather an opportunity to realize God's power." Apostle Larbie was preaching at the beginning of a three-day Easter Convention by the Accra West Territory of the Church on the theme: "God's Power in Weakness."
The convention brought thousands of members of the church from different branches within the Accra metropolis together with pastors from different regions.
He stressed that human weakness was a medium, which God releases His power to do miracles in the life of his children and referred to Apostle Paul who said: "When I am weak, I am strong."
Apostle Larbie urged Ghanaians especially Christians that 93as we celebrate our 50th anniversary, we should believe in His power to overcome our shortcomings".
The convention, which ends of Easter Monday, will focus on the overall theme: "The Day of His Power."
Apostle Larbie later led the congregation to pray for the nation and its leaders as well as national development and prosperity.

Cape Coast

Churches in the Cape Coast municipality were filled to capacity as Christians held church services to commemorate the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary more than 2000 years ago. The Orthodox churches sketched events which led to the crucifixion and death of Jesus.
Most of the people were in black and red clothing to signify the solemnity of the day and prayed for the development and growth of the church, President John Agyekum Kufuor, Ministers and Member of the Council of State, as well as war ravished countries. In a sermon at the St Joseph Catholic, the Reverend Fr. Samuel Asantey, said the death of Jesus has tremendous significance to all and asked that the day should be used for true reconciliation and forgiveness just as Christ forgave those who persecuted and had him crucified.
He pointed out that it was not only the boisterous crowd on Calvary which needed God's forgiveness but everyone and therefore stressed the need for all to take advantage of the solemn commemoration of the death of Jesus to change their attitude and endeavour to grasp what it means to be forgiven and saved.
Fr. Asantey described Good Friday as a 93perfect day" for the "healing of spiritual wounds" and urged Christians to use it to heal their wounds and truly forgive their neighbours from their hearts and transform all their hurts bitterness and unfaithfulness to God, into prayer, this he stressed would be the only way they would be acting as true followers of Christ.
He urged Christians to be committed to the truth and the profession of their faith in Christ by upholding the gospel and its value and the authentic Ghanaians value systems.
At the Wesley Methodist Cathedral, the superintendent minister in-charge, Very Rev. Theophilus Anderson hoped the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on that fateful Friday, reconciled two bitterest enemies, Pilate and Herod and therefore hoped the former President Jerry John Rawlings and President Kufuor would, as Catholics would become friends. He said apart from reconciliation, Christ's death was also designed to save and set mankind free from all kinds of bondages, including sin, hatred, acrimony and discrimination.
Rev. Anderson urged all Christians to use the occasion to transform their characters and attitudes to true followers of Christ to show the world that His death could really bring relief to the captive and reconciliation to enemies.

Source: GNA