
Easter prayers: Blood of Jesus flows at Atwea Mountains

Church Prayers

Fri, 3 Apr 2015 Source: The Chronicle

Christians believe that it was through the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ on Mount Calvary in the present day Israel that saved mankind from destruction. The blood paved way for forgiveness and brought man closer to God.

According to the book of Hebrews 9:22: “In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness.”

The Bible further teaches that during the days of Moses and the early prophets, blood of animals were used to atone for the sins committed by man, but when Jesus came, he used his own blood as atonement for crimes committed, and this paved the way for individuals to commune directly with the God Almighty, especially after the curtain dividing the Holy of Holiest was torn in two when Jesus, son of God, ‘breathed his last’.

This is one of the reasons why Christians always value the blood of Jesus Christ which flowed down from the wounds inflicted on his ribs by the soldiers who captured and hung him on a cross.

Though the incident, as recorded in the Bible, happened several thousands of years ago, never has it been recorded in recent history that the precious blood has appeared to mankind.

But that is the story being told by worshipers, mainly from the Presbyterian faith at Atwea Mountains in the Ashanti Region, who claim to have seen the blood, which appeared in the sky whilst they were in a serious prayer section.

Rev. Justice Emmanuel Effah, Overseer of the Presby Prayer Camp at the popular Atwea Mountain, who witnessed the miraculous sign from God, told The Chronicle via phone yesterday that he led members of the church to embark upon a vigorous payer session on the Mountain on Friday February 13, 2015, when they saw the spectacular sign from God.

According to him, on that fateful day, the Head Pastor of the Adum Presbyterian Church, Rev R. K. Asamoah Prah, who was leading the prayers, asked the congregation to symbolically scoop the blood of Jesus from a container.

In the course of doing what the Pastor had instructed, Rev Effah said they saw a flashy sky with a reddish background, which they interpreted as the blood of Jesus Christ which was shed many years ago to wipe away the sins of man, after the man Christians believe is God was hung on a cross by soldiers opposed to his teachings.

Rev Effah further told The Chronicle that the miraculous sign in the sky did not appear once.

According to him, the following day, Saturday February 14, 2015, at about 2:00a.m., the same sign appeared again, and repeated itself on Sunday February 15, between 4:00 and 5:00p.m.

The Presbyterian Pastor noted that those who do not have faith in God would not believe it, but, to them, what they saw was the blood of Jesus Christ and nothing else. He noted that a few months ago, they also saw in the sky around the Atwea Mountain, a donkey, whilst they were seriously praying to the Almighty God.

He said those who were there during the payer section saw what happened, and that he was not concocting the story.

The Head Pastor of the Apostolic Power Chapel at John Teye, a suburb of Accra, Rev. Abraham Newman, who corroborated the story, said he was there, and saw all what happened, and that the story, as narrated by the Rev. Effah, was true.

He was happy that The Chronicle had decided to publish the story, saying such miracles must be brought to the attention of the public.

Source: The Chronicle