
Editor Dares Dutch Crook and wife!

Thu, 8 Dec 2011 Source: Benjamin Tawiah

Over threat to sue, saying they should answer issues of misconduct leveled against them.

The Managing Editor of the Republic David Tamakloe, has called the bluff of a Dutch man and the wife whose nefarious activities The Republic Newspaper reported last week as deserving the attention of authorities in charge of national security.

Mr. Tamakloe said the dubious Dutchman, Jan Wubbling and his dodgy Ghanaian wife Eunice Boateng should surrender from the masquerade games and boldly answer the issues of misconduct leveled against them.

He made this reaction when the Dutch family, threatened to drag The News Editor of the Republic to court on claims that the Thursday November 24 to 28 edition has carried stories which were damaging to their reputation.

According to report on dated December 1, 2011 which headline reads “Dutchman Drags Editor to Court”, the Dutch couple described The Republic publication as false.

The report stated, “Eunice said she was not happy with the manner with which the paper described her as a 22 year old girl who was reckless and careless and that there was no way they had shown disrespect to any of the chiefs in Nungua.

The couple as well indicated that, the publication had really dented their hard earned reputation and that they were proceeding to the court for their name to be cleared.

In the same context, the publication revealed that, the Managing Editor of the Republic Newspaper, David Tamakloe has sent a text message to Eunice Wubbling concerning the miss representation of her age and stated to effect corrections in subsequent editions with an unqualified apology.

In reaction to this, David Tamakloe admitted sending Eunice Wubbling text messages to the Jan Wubblings wife with regard to her age which was indicated in the publication as 22.

“I sent this girl a number of text messages as she would not allow me to ask her the specific questions about the lethargy of she and the husband’s scandals here in Ghana” said The Republic’s Editor.

He said, he was surprise to hear his has been dragged to court, without a writ served on him by any court.

“I dare them to meet me in court; but they must first do the right thing by filing a writ as is done before engaging in media propaganda” he blasted, adding that the newspaper has records of some very bad conducts of Jan Wubbling since he touched on the soils of Ghana.

Mr. Tamakloe insisted, the couple should come clear and answer the necessary questions pushed to them and stop attacking the matter from the surface and media.

He said the Wubbling family was paid a sum of £35,000 by Peter and Iris Thiel in Netherlands for the adoption of Daniel from the Osu children’s home, adding that, Eunice admitted receiving such an amount from the family in a phone interview.

He said Eunice Wubbling unlawfully carried Daniel out of the Children’s home for medical check up at night, that got the Director of the Children’s Home; Mrs. Abbey upset and threatened to cancel the whole adoption process. They went further to shower gifts on the director of the Children’s home and Social Welfare Department to truncate the adoption process.

In reaction to “Mr. Wubbling’s assertion of been a law-abiding person, together with his wife for the past 15 years, since he has been in Ghana, David Tamakloe described the submission as false.

He said, evidence in the grips of The Republic, tells how Jan Wubbling has been having affair with young Ghanaian girls within the ages of 16 and above together with some of his Dutch friends.

Source: Benjamin Tawiah