
Editorial: We Must Stamp Out Indiscipline In Our Schools!

Fri, 8 Jul 2005 Source: GYE NYAME CONCORD

Among our front page stories is an investigative piece on Nkroful Agricultural Secondary School (NASS).

All indications from the investigation point to the fact that discipline, the foundation for moral and academic development has broken down in that institution. Both tutors and students, our investigation indicated, are guilty of this issue.

Wee-smoking, sex among students and tutors, truancy and misappropriation of school funds, etc. have eaten deep into the fabric of NASS.

Incidences of exchange of blows in the open, between tutors whilst students look on and cheer, this paper learnt is something normal in the school.

All these do not provide the right basis for moral and academic development in that school.

Such a case may not be limited to NASS. If such an investigation as carried out by this paper could be extended to the other secondary schools in the country, we are sure to find out that the breakdown of discipline among students and tutors is not a unique thing pertaining to only NASS.

Let us not forget about the recent reports in the media that wee-smoking competitions were held among Cape Coast schools despite the fact that some of the school authorities have come out to deny the reports.

Our schools, it is pertinent for us to note, are the moulding and training grounds for the future generation, and if these schools are not providing the right training then this country is headed for destruction.

What therefore is required of the Minister of Education is to dispatch an investigation team to NASS to ascertain our findings and proceed to institute correctional measures as well as other measures that will forestall the reoccurrence of the vices that have plagued that school.

Similar efforts must be carried out throughout all the schools in the country as part of the Vice President?s campaign against indiscipline.

It is only through this means that the future of this country in terms of socio-economic development can be guaranteed.