
Edusei Foundation cuts sword for International Center

Cutting Sod

Fri, 29 Aug 2014 Source: Prince Osei Bonsu

The Edusei Foundation has cut the sword for the building of the multi-purposed Dr. Kwame Bawuah-Edusei International Center in Bekwai. On hand to do the sword-cutting was Head of the Bekwai Catholic Diocese Rev. Father Simon Kwaku Wiredu as a crowd of traditional leaders and well-wishers looked on.
The center will house the head office of the Edusei Foundation, which is dedicated to youth development and the empowerment of women and children. The center will also be used for other commercial activities to help boost the development of the rural areas. The location is in line with an effective developmental adage of decentralization, a bottom up approach to development with special emphasis on the rural areas.
The International Center consists of a huge multipurpose conference Hall, computer labs, library, museum, seminar auditoriums with full audiovisual equipment, twelve class rooms, science laboratories, thirty hostel rooms each with bath and other amenities, restaurant, and stores all to help create an ideal environment for our goals. The estimated jobs that would be created as a result of the center number well into the hundreds.
It may be recalled that the Edusei Foundation has reached out and organized a number of Youth Workshops in cities across the globe including London, New York City, Hartford, Connecticut, Washington DC, and Toronto, Canada. Plans are in the advanced stages to hold its first Youth Workshop on Ghana’s soil in Kumasi this Fall.
At each of these Youth Workshops, the enthusiasm elicited among the attending youth, the positive feedback, and the encouraging galvanization that has engulfed the youth in those cities in the aftermath of the events all combined to inform the decision to build an international resource center to further the ambitious mission of steering the youth towards positivity, and empowering women and children.
The center represents a heeding by Dr. Kwame Bawua-Edusei of a UNICEF report from a comprehensive study called Generation 2030/Africa. The report estimates that the children population in Africa will increase by 75% to one billion by 2050. The clarion call made by that UNICEF report to better prepare the continent's youth falls in line with the Edusei Foundation's mission of fostering positive thinking among the youth.
Dr. Kwame Bawuah-Edusei, using his own up-bring by parents who focused on positive thinking as testimony, is complete in his conviction that the negativity that ails Africa has been the bane of our developmental challenges. To combat the menace, the consummate diplomat and philanthropist believes we must instill leadership and positive thinking in the lives of Africans while they are young. That way they would be better positioned to take the mantle of leadership and development from our generation.
This enormous task of developing the youth has become the central focus of Dr. Kwame Bawuah-Edusei's. He has thus declared his resolve to dedicate the remainder of his life as a private citizen to focus of building his business, developing the youth, and empowering women and children.
Construction work has already begun less than a week after the sword-cutting event, and will continue feverishly until completion anticipated to be around the summer of 2015 while the multipurpose conference center will be ready later in fall of 2015. A six acre land has also been acquired at Esumeja to provide a retreat to help in youth development and other activities.
The whole international center is sponsored by Dr Kwame Bawuah Edusei and family. Dr Edusei will use his immense international experience to attract international and local experts to use the facilities in the center to offer their best in capacity building to the Ghanaian youth who constitute the future of our nation.
The UNICEF children wing of United Nations released a study: called Generation 2030/Africa Report that showed hence a clarion call was made for the continent to make plans for children as a foremost importance. In addition to this the Foundation is committed to ensuring positive thinking and actions as one can get all the education but if they have the wrong ( NEGATIVE) mind set it does not help society but works against it.

The Edusei Foundation has cut the sword for the building of the multi-purposed Dr. Kwame Bawuah-Edusei International Center in Bekwai. On hand to do the sword-cutting was Head of the Bekwai Catholic Diocese Rev. Father Simon Kwaku Wiredu as a crowd of traditional leaders and well-wishers looked on.
The center will house the head office of the Edusei Foundation, which is dedicated to youth development and the empowerment of women and children. The center will also be used for other commercial activities to help boost the development of the rural areas. The location is in line with an effective developmental adage of decentralization, a bottom up approach to development with special emphasis on the rural areas.
The International Center consists of a huge multipurpose conference Hall, computer labs, library, museum, seminar auditoriums with full audiovisual equipment, twelve class rooms, science laboratories, thirty hostel rooms each with bath and other amenities, restaurant, and stores all to help create an ideal environment for our goals. The estimated jobs that would be created as a result of the center number well into the hundreds.
It may be recalled that the Edusei Foundation has reached out and organized a number of Youth Workshops in cities across the globe including London, New York City, Hartford, Connecticut, Washington DC, and Toronto, Canada. Plans are in the advanced stages to hold its first Youth Workshop on Ghana’s soil in Kumasi this Fall.
At each of these Youth Workshops, the enthusiasm elicited among the attending youth, the positive feedback, and the encouraging galvanization that has engulfed the youth in those cities in the aftermath of the events all combined to inform the decision to build an international resource center to further the ambitious mission of steering the youth towards positivity, and empowering women and children.
The center represents a heeding by Dr. Kwame Bawua-Edusei of a UNICEF report from a comprehensive study called Generation 2030/Africa. The report estimates that the children population in Africa will increase by 75% to one billion by 2050. The clarion call made by that UNICEF report to better prepare the continent's youth falls in line with the Edusei Foundation's mission of fostering positive thinking among the youth.
Dr. Kwame Bawuah-Edusei, using his own up-bring by parents who focused on positive thinking as testimony, is complete in his conviction that the negativity that ails Africa has been the bane of our developmental challenges. To combat the menace, the consummate diplomat and philanthropist believes we must instill leadership and positive thinking in the lives of Africans while they are young. That way they would be better positioned to take the mantle of leadership and development from our generation.
This enormous task of developing the youth has become the central focus of Dr. Kwame Bawuah-Edusei's. He has thus declared his resolve to dedicate the remainder of his life as a private citizen to focus of building his business, developing the youth, and empowering women and children.
Construction work has already begun less than a week after the sword-cutting event, and will continue feverishly until completion anticipated to be around the summer of 2015 while the multipurpose conference center will be ready later in fall of 2015. A six acre land has also been acquired at Esumeja to provide a retreat to help in youth development and other activities.
The whole international center is sponsored by Dr Kwame Bawuah Edusei and family. Dr Edusei will use his immense international experience to attract international and local experts to use the facilities in the center to offer their best in capacity building to the Ghanaian youth who constitute the future of our nation.
The UNICEF children wing of United Nations released a study: called Generation 2030/Africa Report that showed hence a clarion call was made for the continent to make plans for children as a foremost importance. In addition to this the Foundation is committed to ensuring positive thinking and actions as one can get all the education but if they have the wrong ( NEGATIVE) mind set it does not help society but works against it.

Source: Prince Osei Bonsu