
Electoral Commission Presents Final Certificate to UFP

Sat, 13 Aug 2011 Source: peacefmonline

The Electoral Commission has presented final certificate of registration to the United Front Party (UFP) making the UFP a fully fledged political party in the country.

A large number of supporters of the party from various parts of the country were at the Headquarters of the Electoral Ccommission in Accra to witness the ceremony.

Mr. Sarfo Kantanka, Deputy Commissioner in charge of operations of EC, presented the certificate to Mr. Akwasi Addae, Interim chairman of the UFP on behalf of the party. He admonished the party not to make its presence in the country’s political scene be a nine-day wonder and should ensure democracy within the party. Mr. Kantanka urged the UFP to avoid politics of insult, warning that the EC retains the power to withdraw the final certificate issued to the party should the UFP breach provisions of the country’s constitution on political party activities.

Mr. Akwasi Addae Interim Chairman of UFP said the party has come to stay and is committed to the rule of law and democracy in the country. According to the chairman, the UFP holds the key to sustainable development and will not compromise the interest of posterity.

Source: peacefmonline