
Electoral bodies honoured at 17th International Electoral Affairs Awards

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Wed, 30 Jan 2019 Source:

About 100 representatives from the electoral democracy community and election management bodies from over 50 different countries were in Ghana to honour the 17th International Electoral Affairs Symposium which was climaxed with an award ceremony at the Labadi beach hotel in Accra on the 29th January 2019.

The International Electoral Awards is an award scheme made exclusively for electoral stakeholders, in recognition of their work and acknowledgement of their significant contribution to the democratic process beyond the community of electoral professionals, practitioners and experts.

The event was organized by the International Centre for Parliamentary Studies(ICPS).

As part of their mandate to promote effective policy making and good governance through better interactions between parliaments, governments and other stakeholders in society to empower human capital through capacity building, the ICPS prior to the awards night held a series of workshops.

The chairman of ICPS and International Centre for Electoral Psychology (ICEP) Matt Gokhool expressed his gratitude by saying "We are pleased to be working with the Electoral Commission of Ghana as well as Ghana Center for Democratic Development this year and grateful for the support in co-hosting you all in Accra".

He then added that the awards ceremony is a celebration of all the inspiration work carried out by a diverse range of electoral stakeholders from around the world.

Elections Ontario received the Electoral Commission of the Year award.

The electoral bodies from Romania, Kenya, Palestine, Mexico and Afghanistan also received various awards.
