
Elmina Youth embarked on demonstration against light fishing

Fri, 4 Feb 2011 Source: GNA

Elmina, Feb. 4, GNA - Some young people, mostly

fisher folks from Elmina, on Wednesday evening demonstrated

against the government for banning fishing with light and failing to

rehabilitate the Benya Lagoon at Elmina. The youth, numbering about 100, also called for the

removal of Mr. John Quayson from the National Premix Committee

for not performing. The youth blocked the Takoradi/Accra high way

momentarily causing a heavy traffic and later stormed the district

assembly office, locked the officers at the assembly and mounted

road blocks with debris to bar access to the assembly. Policemen from the Elmina District Police Command

dispatched to the scene used tear gas to disperse the crowd. The demonstrators said the ban has reduced their catch

bringing hardship to them and their dependants and appealed to the

government to do something about it. According to Central Regional Police Public relations

Officer (PRO), Mr. Raymond Asaaba, six people including two

fishmongers perceived to be the ring leaders were arrested for

questioning during the stampede.

Source: GNA