
Energy Foundation pledges solutions to problems in the industry

Thu, 16 Dec 2010 Source: GNA

Accra, Dec. 16, GNA - The Energy Foundation on Thursday said it was now poised to increase delivery of energy management services to industrial and commercial enterprises, following the withdrawal of financial support from the Ministry of Energy.

It would include providing energy management solutions to large as well as small and medium enterprises to enhance their competitiveness through the adoption of energy efficiency technologies and practices. Mr Andrew Quayson, Chairman of the Foundation, announced this at their Annual General Meeting in Accra.

He said the Foundation was working more closely with the Association of Ghana Industries, Ghana Chamber of Mines and other private sector organisations to bring energy efficiency solutions to industries and commerce.

Mr Quayson said Ghana Government's subvention in the form of investment and services budget support ended after 10 years of fruitful collaboration between the Government and the Energy Foundation. It is the implementing agency of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Programme of the Ministry of Energy. Mr Quayson said the Foundation pursued with vigour its programme of educating consumers to use fuel and electricity efficiently, as well as focus on providing energy management services to industry and commerce to ensure adequate funding for its operations. He said the Foundation also organised series of energy festivals to bring energy conservation tips and messages to the public with support from the Private Sector Development Strategy of the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

Mr Quayson said the Foundation during the first half of the period under review conducted an educational campaign on fuel efficiency on selected radio and television stations and over 25,000 copies of the Fuel Wise brochures were distributed to motorists through their various transport unions.

He said the Foundation continued to implement a programme to improve energy efficiency at public tertiary institutions, installation of capacitor banks and replacement of T12 fluorescent lights with more energy efficient T5 fluorescent lamps. "A total of 11,200 T5 lamps and a capacitor bank are also being installed at the University of Cape-Coast, University of Ghana, Legon and University of Education, Winneba under the project," he added. Mr Quayson commended the stakeholders, particularly the Private Sector Development Strategy of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Volta River Authority, Electricity Company of Ghana, GRIDCO and Ministry of Energy for making the year under review successful. 16 Dec. 10

Caption for pictures: 086,087: Mr Andrew Quayson, Chairman of Energy Foundation addressing the Annual General Meeting. With him are Dr Joyce R. Aryee, Chairperson of Ghana Chamber of Mines and the Executive Council of Energy Foundation. 089: Dr Joyce Aryee, interacting with Mr Andrew Quayson, Chairman of Energy Foundation during the Annual General Meeting in Accra 082: Participants at the Annual General Meeting of Energy Foundation.

Source: GNA