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Enforce minimum wage – PPP

Cash Money Bank File Photo

Thu, 13 Jul 2017 Source:

The Progressive People’s Party (PPP) has charged government to ensure that no worker is paid below the minimum wage in Ghana.

“Governments over the years have routinely increased the minimum wage, but failed to ensure compliance at the grassroots,” a statement signed by PPP National Secretary Murtala Mohammed indicated on Thursday, July 13.

“Hardworking Ghanaians continue to take salaries below the minimum wage and government sits aloof and does nothing.”

According to the party, it is time for government to move beyond announcements and ensure that the minimum wage is implemented across the country.

In addition, the party wants government to move from “this meagre minimum wage-fixing shenanigans to create the enabling condition for a living wage via productivity increase enhancements” adding: “The Ghanaian worker everywhere deserves to live in dignity.

“If the working conditions of the people are decent, production will increase via enhanced motivation leading to the economic freedom that we so much seek.”


Ghanaian workers are tired of the announcement of minimum wages by successive governments without commensurate adherence. Governments over the years have routinely increased the minimum wage, but failed to ensure compliance at the grass roots.

Hardworking Ghanaians continue to take salaries below the minimum wage and Government sits aloof and does nothing.

The NPP Government must break that culture and ensure all workers receive at least the promised, albeit meager, minimum wage.

We cannot, in the name of private sector participation, continue to treat our workers in such inhumane manner.

It is the duty of Government to create the suitable economic environment for citizens to create for themselves suitable jobs on living wages.

Minimum wage must be such that it can more than match the cost of living of the people.

No Ghanaian worker can have a decent life style with the current minimum wage which, to all intents and purposes, is even only at the subsistence level. This only breeds corruption and other anti-social vices, kills enthusiasm and increases unfairly the dependency rate on the few who are beyond the threshold minimum. This in the long run increases the poverty level of the people and breeds despondency.

The Progressive People’s Party proposes to Government to move from these meagre minimum wage fixing shenanigans to create the enabling condition for a living wage via productivity increase enhancements. The Ghanaian worker everywhere deserves to live in dignity.

If the working conditions of the people are decent, production will increase via enhanced motivation leading to the economic freedom that we so much seek.

Murtala Mohammed

PPP, National Secretary
