
Enforcement of sanitation and coronavirus bye-laws begin on July 20

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Thu, 16 Jul 2020 Source: GNA

A joint task force of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA), Ghana Armed Forces, and Zoomlion Ghana Limited has begun public awareness on the enforcement of sanitation by-laws and COVID-19 protocols in Accra.

The enforcement exercise, which is expected to commence on Monday, July 20, 2020 forms part of efforts to maintain and sustain good sanitation and to contain the spread of the coronavirus.

The taskforce educated the public on the need to keep their surroundings clean at all times in accordance with the environmental by-laws of the city of Accra to avoid prosecution.

The members of the taskforce entreated the people to always put on their nose masks to avoid being arrested.

“We embarked on clean-up exercise together with the AMA and other security forces during the lockdown in Accra, but the sanitation situation has still not been improved.”

“So, we have come to inform you that from Monday, we will be here to monitor and ensure that the sanitation bye-laws and the COVID-19 protocols are adhered to and maintained,” the task force members said via megaphone broadcast at the trading centres.

“We did not want to see any refuse in front of your shop or where you trade. If we see the otherwise, then, the law will take its course.”

The awareness would last for a week.

Source: GNA
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