
Ex-PNDC man wants JAK removed

A former PNDC member described by some as the ‘legendary butcher of the PNDC’ W.O. I Joseph Kwabena Adjei Buadi has in a press statement issued last Thursday asked parliament and the leadership of the ruling NPP to ensure a change in the country’s leadership before 2008.

He argues among others that if that is not done, unknown consequences will befall the country.

“The country under the current administration of His Excellency President J. A. Kufuor and his NPP regime is beset with mysterious problems which may set unknown consequence if a change in leadership is delayed before 2008 by his party executives and parliament” he said.

The one-time fiery member of the PNDC who fell off with the man who led the 1981 coup, Jerry Rawlings, also tore into the Ashanti kingdom describing persons who threatened some journalists over their alleged comments about the Asantehene as belonging to “a bye gone era of feudalism and have no place in modern Ghana.” “As a member of the Royal family of the Bantama Stool, I wish to make this humble submission that it is not the Golden Stool which has come under attack but the occupant of the stool as an individual who is not above the laws of Ghana. The Asantehene cannot hide behind the stool and use the elders of the stool to issue statements designed to draw people's attention away from what is actually happening” he emphasised.

Combining his condemnation of the ruling NPP government and the Ashanti youth groups unhappy about the unfavourable comments against the Asantehene, W. O. I Adjei Buadi warned that the NPP government “will be held accountable for the present disorder, inefficiency and indiscipline which has characterized the whole nation.”

Short of calling for an overthrow, W.O.I Adjei Buadi who was one of the principal characters hauled before the National Reconciliation Commission said a number of events in the recent past justify his call. This he listed as the recent murder of a 13-year old girl at Ofinso in the Ashanti region, the Accra Sports Stadium disaster, the death of Issah Mobila, the hotel kufuor saga and the recent cocaine scandal. Reacting to a linkage of the Golden Stool occupant to divinity, the former soldier who has confessed to shooting some people during the PNDC era said the claim of divinity is a myth. “Ashanti history is replete with Asantehenes some of whom were destooled on moral grounds and or beheaded. So, therefore claims of divinity for the Asantehene constitutes a myth to the extent of underestimating the intelligence of Ghanaians. Today, majority of Ashantis like other Ghanaians everywhere in this country are practicing Christians and cannot tolerate such blasphemous claims to divinity by paganistic feudal chiefs” he said. W.O.I however failed to provide proof of previous Ashanti kings who were destooled on moral grounds and also proof of the allegations for which reasons he argues unknown consequences will befall the nation. Strenuous efforts made to establish contact with the author of the statement failed. While it was confirmed by a pal that he actually issued the said statement and delivered a copy to the state-owned Daily Graphic, making personal contact with him was unsuccessful before we went to print.

W. O. I Adjei Buadi who was accompanied to the NRC by his lawyer and friend Agyare Koi Larbi, a former Member of Parliament challenged the Manhyia to rather prove “to the whole world that the Golden Stool has an exceptional historical credibility and discipline if it comes to matters or issues relating to desecration of the stool.”

Relying heavily on some unsubstantiated allegations, the former soldier asked Ghanaians not to be intimidated by the threats from Manhyia. Ironically one of the persons Adjei Boadi’s statement is defending and assuring is Kwesi Pratt Jnr, Managing editor of the Insight who he accused at the NRC of being a spy for the PNDC.

Source: xoese dogbe (