
Ex-President Kufuor lies again

Joh Kufuor Spectacles Jan2011

Tue, 16 Jul 2013 Source: Daily Post

It is now very difficult for Ghanaians to remember the number of times ex-President Kufuor has lied to Ghanaians and the international community.

While he was president, he lied about the hotel he purchased (Hotel de waa waa) and registered in the name of his then 41-year-old son, Chief Kufuor. He also lied about not fathering a child with Madam Gizelle Yajzi, his advisor. The list of his lies goes on and on.

Now out of government and aging, and with no pressure on him, President Kufuor still persists in lying. Speaking on Adom FM’s Badwum programme on Monday, he claimed that Ghana’s economy grew by five folds in the eight years he presided over the nation.

Firstly, if this was true, he should be ashamed at the fact that he shored up Ghana’s economy with drug money. Cocaine instead of cocoa was what Ghana became known for under him. An MP belonging to his party was nabbed in the US for trafficking heroin with the street value of $6million to that country.

Cocaine at the police headquarters store room located on the 5th floor under the watch of CCTV cameras vanished over night under Kufuor. Then cocaine aboard a ship, MV Benjamin, also vanished under Kufuor. Three members of the Dzorwulu women’s wing of the NPP who were busted at the Kotoka International Airport attempting to send cocaine to the US in pampers were busted, but while under lock and key, they vanished into the air.

International whistle blower, wikileaks noted how drug barons had sprung up within the NPP under Kufuor. The U.N. labeled Kotoka International Airport as the number one transit points for illicit drugs in the world.

That is the economy Kufuor built.

Even with the cocaine, Kufuor was a failure. If the economy had grown five times as he claimed, how come his government was unable to find money to pay workers their November 2007 salaries and thus had to fall on the $750 million Eurobond to do it? So, but for that money, how could Kufuor have paid workers that month?

Is it not also true the economy under Kufuor was in a mess to the extent that as revealed by his own man, Kwame Painim, Ghana Telecom had to be sold for a song to Vodafone and the money sunken into the economy, lest it collapses? So, what healthy economy is Kufuor talking about?

We can also not forget that by the end of his reign, Ghanaians were so broke that they began to complain about hunger and empty pockets. Was that not when he told Ghanaians that they were broke because they were lazy.

We cannot forget the state in which he left the Tema Oil Refinery. In spite of the huge amount of revenue that accrued from the Petroleum Recovery Levy, he and his cronies still left TOR a collapsing entity.

Ex-President Kufuor should thank President Mills for coming to clear his mess, including defraying the TOR debt instead of distributing our cars with his shameful lies.

Source: Daily Post