
Expired and prohibited goods destroyed

Thu, 20 Dec 2012 Source: GNA

Large quantities of fake and expired medical and laboratory instruments, assorted pharmaceutical drugs, computer parts and sex enhancers, were destroyed by Customs Division of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) at Agblekpui near Aflao.

The items also included assorted foreign cigarettes, medicated and body bleaching creams, compact discs, recorded audio and video materials, foot and used clothing.

Others were canned food and protein products, cellular phone batteries, alcoholic and soft beverages.

Personnel of the Port Health Unit of the Ghana Health Service, Environmental Health Department and the media witnessed the torching of the goods.

Hundreds of residents from communities near the site thronged the spot intent on fishing out some of the items but were prevented from doing so by the intensity of the fire.

Mr Yaw Mante-Boafo, a Collector of Customs, at Aflao Sector said the Division urged traders to abide by the rules to safeguard their investments.

Source: GNA