Muslim communities in Accra are kicking against the practice of Female Genital mutilation (FGM) by some Muslims saying it is not known in the teachings of the Qu'ran.
"There is nowhere in the Qu'ran that the Prophet Mohammed's daughter was made to do this practice. Some have borrowed it from their traditions, which they link with the Islamic religion," said Hajia Zeinabu, during a workshop on the violation of the rights of women and the role of the Muslim community in the prevention of female genital mutilation, which was organized by the Muslim Family Counselling Service in collaboration with Action Aid, Ghana, for Muslim Community leaders in Shukura in Accra.
The programme, aimed at sensitizing the Muslim communities to send their girl child to school and desist from FGM is the third in a series organized this month in Muslim communities like Nima, Ashaiman and Shukura.
Hajia Zeinabu said Muslim men who marry more than one wife should also disassociate it from the teaching of Islam.
"The Qu'ran strictly says every man is entitled to only one wife," she said.
The Director of Islamic Education Unit Sheikh Arimiyao Shuaib, said that Muslim Communities should give the youth knowledge and a sense of decorum, adding that a community which does not have anything fruitful for the youth is heading for trouble.
He charge Muslims to send their girl child to school sayin there should not be discrimination in terms of education.
The Imam of Shukura advised Muslims to come together and fight for a common goal that can help improve the development and status of their communities.
He advised communities, which have chieftency disputes to settle them amicably to promote peace in the Muslim communities.
The representartive of ActionAid Ghana, Mrs. Obeng Ofori, asked the youth to look at the FGM practice as devilish and to kick against it.
She reminded community leaders that FGM is a crime, which violates the laws of the country.