
FONKAR Response To Kwesi Pratt

Wed, 9 Feb 2011 Source: emmanuel coffie

The attention of the Friends of Nana Konadu Agyeman-Rawlings (FONKAR) has been

drawn to a series of Publications in the media, attributed to one Kwesi Pratt, a

self style spokesperson of President Mills maligning the former first lady Nana

Konadu Agyeman-Rawlings. In his usual predilection of betraying the truth and

denigrating pillars of society, this ingrate mounted a sermon of preaching vile

doctrines which seems logic only on his head and said that he would do anything

in his power to prevent Nana Konadu from becoming a President of Ghana.

FONKAR takes offence to the ill-informed and ill-conceived commentary by this

tainted politician who wants to come across as a journalist. Should Mr Pratt’

populist brand of political rhetoric go unchallenged? We find Pratt’

belligerence, and his utterances on the former first lady, to be very reckless

and we are convinced that such unprovoked attack on Nana Konadu could only be

part of that grand scheme being orchestrated by the Mills’ administration to

discredit the former first lady.

What is his problem? Has he become an NDC member to decide what is good for the

party? Haven’t Pratt and his collaborators waged their fruitless war of

attrition against the former first lady long enough to realize that they are

fighting a losing battle? Pratt must also be reminded that the former first lady

was never made by the media, and cannot be unmade by the media. The people of

Ghana recognized Nana Konadu’ contribution to national politics and they would

be the right people to decide if she can led this country or not.

The likes of Kwesi Pratt talks as if they owned the country and without them

everyone in the country doesn't matter. Who is Pratt to choose a President for

the 24 million Ghanaians? Since when did he become the spokesperson of

Ghanaians? Mr Pratt does not exhibit political and linguistic correctness in his

constant critique of Nana Konadu and we wonder if it is just a mercenary

journalism, media irresponsibility or corporate greed. We want to state

categorically that Mr Pratt is nothing but a paid agitator, a mercenary

journalist and a poster boy for crass behavior. We dared him to come out and

tell the whole world how he acquired a state of the art printing press 6months

into the Atta Mills administration?

Whose interest is he serving besides his own in his campaign of reckless

vilification against Mrs. Rawlings?

FONKAR is not unaware that Mr Pratt and another loud-mouth journalist as well as

a self style pollster met a senior security operative of the NDC not too long

ago and were given the contract to churn out polls that will indicate that a

Nana Konadu Presidential ambition will be a disaster for the NDC in 2012. Every

discerning Ghanaian knows that Mr Pratt is a compromised journalist and what he

churns out most of the time emanates from his stomach rather than his head.

Despite his claims that he is an independent editor, we are yet to see this

scandalous editor take on moral issues that speak to the growing misery of the

nation’s numerical majority who can barely pull themselves by the strap. The

likes of Pratt and their style of journalism is an apology to media practice in

this country. They have rejected the core principles that govern objective news

coverage and have metastasized into a corporate body that is more interested in

marketing the political ideas of their paymasters while it downplays the cruel

experiences of resource-deprived Ghanaians. Because of gluttony, and avarice,

Pratt is trying very hard to run down the image of a woman who has shown

tremendous consistency as a strong advocate of the ordinary people.

Many attempts have been made, in the past to harm the reputation of Mrs.

Rawlings, all to no avail. They failed. Didn’t they? Even the whole government

machinery under President Kufuor was used to destroy Mrs. Rawlings but they

failed woefully. What makes Mr Pratt and his likes think they can destroy Mrs.


The fallacy that Nana Konadu cannot win an election in this country is just

another communist inferior tactics. It is only a political toddler who would

discount Konadu’s political astuteness. In any case, it is only Ghanaians who

can decide whether Nana Konadu can become a President or not, it is not

opportunists and crooks who parade as so-called senior journalists and political

animals. Those who are bent on destroying Mrs. Rawlings and her family from

within or outside of the NDC must desist from it or be well prepared for the

fight of their lives.

If President Mills’ men, in their wisdom, believe that they can hire Pratt to

discredit Nana Konadu to suit their cause, then they must be living in a banana

republic. The President must be careful about his friends in the media because

sooner rather than later they would help him sing his own dirges.

Mr Pratt, it is your fault, you have turned into journalistic albino, we

challenge you to distant yourself from ignorance, backstabbing, lies, malice,

treachery, hatred, attrition and double standard or else posterity will hold

your neck to the tie.

We are certain Mr Pratt would be consumed by his mission of destroying Nana

Konadu sooner rather than later.

We in the FONKAR will do everything within our power to make Nana Konadu

relevant to national politics.

Long live Nana Konadu Agyeman-Rawlings! Long Live NDC! Long live FONKAR!


Dela Coffie (Communications Director - FONKAR)

Source: emmanuel coffie