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FONKAR response to FEC press release

Sat, 13 Nov 2010 Source: --

The Friends of Nana Konadu Agyeman -Rawlings (FONKAR) would want to register our

indignation at a statement purportedly issued by Functional Executive Committee

(FEC) of the NDC and signed by the Chairman Dr Kwabena Adjei under the cover of

reacting to charges by FONKAR on Vice President John Dramani Mahama accusing him

of denigrating the founder Jerry John Rawlings, virtually declared Dela Coffie ,

our communications Director wanted.

“The NDC wants to make it clear that it does not know anyone by the name Dela

Coffie. Neither does the party recognize FONKAR nor any such groups and their

purported executives”.

“For the avoidance of doubt, the Party shall fish out and identify the likes of

Dela Coffie and deal with them in accordance with the relevant provisions of the

Party’s Constitution”.

How could FEC know all NDC members? There is no political party anywhere which

knows all its members. Unless you want to introduce exclusionism now that we're

in power. To say that you don't know certain people is therefore totally


FONKAR is wondering what Dr. Kwabena Adjei means by ‘’the party shall fish out

the likes of Dela Coffie and deal with them in accordance with the relevant

provisions of the party’s constitution? How do you intend to fish out Dela

Coffie? Is Dela Coffie hiding?

FONKAR want to state categorically that Dela Coffie is a card bearing member of

the NDC and a known youth activist who has never hidden his true identity.

In the last 48 hours, serious attempt have been made on the life of our

communication Director and we want to make it clear that if anything happen to

Dela Coffie, FONKAR would hold Dr. Kwabena Adjei responsible.

We also wish to caution the leadership of the NDC to be wary of these intrigues

and their dire consequences for the party.

It is also important to state that groups don't have to be officially recognized

by the party structure to operate and organize in this country provided they

don't claim to be official organs. FONKAR has never claim to be an official

organ of the NDC and we will continue with our activities without fear or


Rather than trying to clump down on FONKAR, the FEC should deal with parallel

structures within the party such as Association of Regional Chairman which is

alien to the NDC constitution.

FONKAR is not accountable to the NDC even though our members are largely from

the NDC. We are resolute and are unfaced by Dr. Kwabena Adjei’s treat and will

continue adhering, preserving and defending the ideals of Jerry Rawlings.

We in the FONKAR are ready to defend the Jerry Rawlings legacy - the legacy

certain elements within the party want to either usurp or destroy - even if it

will cost us our lives.

Long live FONKAR! Long live the Rawlingses !! Long live NDC!!!


Ransford Chatman Vanni-Amoah ( Founder)

Mr Daniel Tamakloe (National Chairman)

Dela Coffie (Communications Director)

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