
Farmer commended for housing school for nine years

Fri, 20 May 2005 Source: GNA

Gomoa Abasa (C/R), May 20, GNA - The Gomoa District Assembly on Thursday commended a-70-year-old farmer at Gomoa Kukuratume, Opanyin Akyempim Kofi, for releasing his complete building to be used by the Abasa Presbyterian Primary and JSS for the past nine years, free of charge.

The District Chief Executive, Madam Joyce Aidoo made the commendation on behalf of the Assembly at Gomoa Abasa, near Gomoa Dawurampong.

The DCE said, work on the construction of some classrooms to house the school has reached about 70 per cent completion and hoped that within the next few months the building would be completed.

She said that Opanyin Kofi needed the commendation, because if he had not sacrifice his building to the school when it was ejected from a private building some nine years ago, the school would have collapsed. Madam Aidoo appealed to the people in the community to emulate the shinning example of Opanyin Kofi.

Source: GNA