
Female teachers in rural communities engaging in ‘sex for food’- GNAT

Teachers Living An Exemplary Life In Ghana GNAT is calling proper care for female teachers posted to rural communities

Thu, 17 Aug 2017 Source:

Government has been urged to properly cater for female teachers posted to rural communities in the country to avert the situation where they are compelled to trade sex in exchange for food as the only means of survival.

First National Trustee of the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) Madam Victoria Affram who revealed this on Accra-based Adom Fm on Wednesday, explained that in view of the gullibility of these young female teachers who may not be on salaries because they have just graduated from school, opinion leaders take undue advantage of them and get them laid.

“Some of these opinion leaders lure them with gifts and subsequently impregnate them and force them to become second and third wives. These lustful opinion leaders come under the guise of lending some support but with the view of engaging in sex with the teachers. Some of them get pregnant for the husbands of others leading to internal rifts between them and the original wives”, she revealed.

She proposed that newly posted female teachers must be given salary advance so that they do not confront these challenges that will put them at the mercy of the unbridled libido of some of opinion leaders who take undue advantage of them.

“Some of these female teachers have no places to sleep…it is that bad that some even sleep on mats. In the end the teachers who are supposed to be role models turn out to do the reverse of what they are supposed to advise the teachers against”, she said.

“GNAT has taken note of their problems and after sometime we give bursaries to these teachers in order to avert a recurrence of these practices.

“It is not that they are interested in profligate lifestyles, the fact is that they are hungry and need to survive in order to discharge their duties as teachers in the schools they have been posted to which results in some of these unfortunate behaviours”, she explained.
