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Fetish priest accepts Christ

Fetish Priest Burns Gods

Mon, 5 Aug 2013 Source: Daily Guide

A 29-year-old man, who used to be a fetish priest, has started preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ at Obuasi in the Ashanti Region.

Emmanuel Asikwa now shares the word of God with close friends and some residents of Apitikooko, where he practiced as a fetish priest for 15 years with 850 gods.

Emmanuel Asikwa, who sometimes struggles to recite the Lord’s Prayer, was previously called Nana Sabantoa.

Very Rev. Fr. John Dwoden Adu Osei, a Catholic Priest at Obuasi and Rev. Owusu Agyemang of Heaven City Chapel helped Emmanuel to accept Christ.

They burnt 850 gods of the fetish priest, which included 560 gods from his family and 290 gods collected from Benin and Nigeria.

Until recently, Emmanuel Asikwa dressed like many traditional priests in Ghana.

He told DAILY GUIDE that “for me, obviously it’s a dramatic change, but it’s a change I’m happy with because now I don’t have to prove myself to anybody out there.

“At the age of 14, I took interest in the religion, and I was abducted by a dwarf to an unknown place.

“But recently I realized that I was on a perverted path to hell which I feared,” he explained.

“I was a rebel previously, but my life has been transformed by Christ whom I have accepted as my God and Savior.”

Source: Daily Guide