
Fifth Annual National Twin Festival in June

Sun, 8 May 2005 Source: GNA

Accra, May 8, GNA - The Ghana Twins Foundation on Sunday outlined activities for the celebration of the Fifth Annual Twins Festival slated for June 1st to 4th.

The Activities include street procession, debate, public forum, clean-up exercises, games, cultural performances, field trip, durbar, exhibition and national parade of identical twins.

Speaking to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in an interview in Accra, Ms. Zeena Abou-Jaoude Director of the foundation explained that the celebration, on the general theme: "Celebration of Peace and Friendship in Community Service," aims at harnessing the unique mythical powers of twins for development.

She said the celebration would focus on three basic features of twins-- the perceived mythical powers, the traditional and medical theoretical understanding of twins and the bond of unity and love. Ms. Abou-Jaoude said the festival would attract multiples from other West African countries as well as other parts of the world. She explained that the annual event also seeks to bring together all multiples and their hierarchy (Attah and Attaa, Tawiah, Nyankomago and Atuakosenye) to fraternise and communicate peace and friendship in community service.

She said the twin empire headed by Atta and Attaa is mythical empire that transcend human understanding, "we need to modernize and transform the kingdom of twins for national development. "The Natural role of multiples is to bridge cultures and bring the world together in a peaceful co-existence as one community through shared human values."

Speaking at the national launching in Accra, Ms. Abou-Jauode said the festival would be used to promote peace through interactions among multiples of all ages, race and ethnic background. She said multiple births cut across cultures, society, traditions, colour and politics.

"We shall use our unique features, talents and values through progressive activities and programmes to draw public interest to the need to live in peace and unity."

"The Ghana Twins Foundation believes that peace is a profound responsibility that we collectively and individually share, especially when our organization is predominantly made up of multiples from different backgrounds," she said.

Source: GNA