
Finalize national ageing policy- HelpAge

Sat, 31 Jan 2009 Source: GNA

Accra, Jan. 31, GNA- HelpAge Ghana (HAG), a non-profit making organization established to promote the prospects of older persons on Friday celebrated its 20th anniversary Awards with the call on government to finalize the national ageing policy. Professor Nana Araba Apt, President of HAG who made the call said the process of developing the policy started in 1997 but was yet to be approved by cabinet.

She expressed the concern that despite the 1992 constitution providing for a decent standard of living for the aged "older people of today still face many challenges as they age". Professor Araba Apt said some of the challenges include poverty, inadequate housing, social security, inadequate healthcare and the need to make geriatric care a part of Ghana's healthcare training system.. She complained about the changing perceptions and negative attitudes towards ageing and older persons.

"This negative trend, coupled with dominant negative images, myths and stereotypes portrayed in the media are a serious barrier to older person's well being and human rights" she added. Professor Araba Apt said HAG has grown from the stage of information giving and advocacy on behalf of older people, where it only offered direct relief services to them in the communities to the stage where it is additionally playing key roles in national and international social policy development on behalf of older people. Mr. Ebenezer Adjetey-Sorsey, Executive Director HAG, said their mission was to advance the interest and welfare of older persons in the country regardless of sex, creed and colour.

He said they have assisted organizations working with and for older persons to develop appropriate community based services for older persons and also created public awareness on ageing issues and problems facing older persons. Awards were presented to individuals and institutions that have supported the work of HAG in the past 20 years.

Source: GNA