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Fish deaths, a prophecy about the end time – Rev Isaac Ofori

Ike.png Rev Isaac Ofori, Head Pastor of the Overcomers Breed International

Mon, 5 Apr 2021 Source:

Head Pastor of the Overcomers Breed International at Fanmilk Blockfactory, Rev Isaac Ofori has indicated that the death of the tons of fish that were found along the shores of the Osu Castle beach in Accra and on Friday is a sign of the end time.

On that same day, close to 100 mammals suspected to be melon-headed whales were also washed ashore at the Axim-Bewire beach in the Nzema East Municipality of the Western Region.

The Western Regional Acting Director of the Fisheries Commission, Alhassan Arafat Salifu told journalists that “We are now counting to know the actual numbers that were washed ashore since they are in different parts of the beach. Some are still struggling to breathe and some are dead.”

Rev Ofori had prophesied during the 31st December cross over event last year that there is going to be news about the death of seas fish in various places around the world.

“…Sign number 2 is that sea creatures, call them sea monsters will be washed offshore. It will happen in many places,” he prophesied.

The Ministry of Fisheries has said it is investigating the cause of the death of tons of fish that were found along the shores of the Osu Castle beach in Accra on Friday.

A statement said samples of the fish have been collected on ice to be examined critically in the laboratory.

“Initial observation of the fishes showed no wound /lesions on their bodies. It is to be noted that after two to three days of death of an animal pathological signs change. Samples of the fish were collected on ice to be examined critically in the laboratory.

“Seawater samples have also been collected at the beach in the Korle Klottey District in the Greater Accra Region. Examinations will be carried out on the fish gills and other histological examinations will equally be conducted to ascertain any pathological cause,” the statement added.
