
Five-day Woorkshop On Child Survival Opens In Sunyani

Thu, 25 Sep 1997 Source: --

Sunyani,(Brong Ahafo Region) 23, Sept. A five-day seminar on child survival and development being organised by the National Mobilisation Programme (NMP) and sponsored by UNICEF opened at Sunyani today. The seminar, under the theme: "Communication and leadership skills for national mobilisation personnel", is being attended by liaison officers of the NMP in the Brong-Ahafo Region. The Regional Liaison Officer of NMP, Mr Yaw Boateng Gyan, in a welcoming address said there is the need for the participants, whom he described as facilitators of rural development, acquire adequate communication skills to effectively help develop the communities. The Regional Coordinator of the Ghana National Commission on Children, (GNCC) Mr Andy Boye-Agyeman, urged society to ensure the proper upbringing of children since they are the greatest assets of any country. The Regional Director of the National Commission on Civic Education (NCCE), Mr Kusi Aboraah asked the liaison officers to help improve the quality of life of the rural communities.

Sunyani,(Brong Ahafo Region) 23, Sept. A five-day seminar on child survival and development being organised by the National Mobilisation Programme (NMP) and sponsored by UNICEF opened at Sunyani today. The seminar, under the theme: "Communication and leadership skills for national mobilisation personnel", is being attended by liaison officers of the NMP in the Brong-Ahafo Region. The Regional Liaison Officer of NMP, Mr Yaw Boateng Gyan, in a welcoming address said there is the need for the participants, whom he described as facilitators of rural development, acquire adequate communication skills to effectively help develop the communities. The Regional Coordinator of the Ghana National Commission on Children, (GNCC) Mr Andy Boye-Agyeman, urged society to ensure the proper upbringing of children since they are the greatest assets of any country. The Regional Director of the National Commission on Civic Education (NCCE), Mr Kusi Aboraah asked the liaison officers to help improve the quality of life of the rural communities.

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