
Five traditional rulers inducted into traditional Council in the Volta Region

The four chiefs and queen inducted into the Fodome Traditional Council

Wed, 15 Mar 2023 Source: Albert-Gooddays Kuzor

Four Chiefs and a queen from the Fodome Traditional Area of the Volta region, have been inducted into the Fodome Traditional Council.

Justice Ayittey Armah-Tetteh, the Hohoe High Court Judge swore the traditional leaders into office on thursday, March 9 2023 with call on them to work in order to protect the sovereignty of Ghana.

He said the traditional leaders swearing the judicial oath would have to adjudicate cases as a Council which they must do so without being afraid of anyone or fearing them.

The Judge added that through the swearing of the oath of secrecy, the new members must not disclose any information they heard while carrying out their duties unless the information is not a secret.

Justice Armah-Tetteh also told them to ensure they worked peacefully to enable that the peace they are enjoying lasts forever.

The Judge further said the oath of membership they sworn enjoined them not to allow any citizens nor foreigners to subvert the integrity of the country.

The traditional rulers are Togbe Agbefle I, Fodome Asafofiaga, Togbe Adipa Wuah II, Fodome Awafia, Mama Dzidzienyo I, Fodome Mankrado, Togbe Gbogla I, Fodome Agbetsido Asafofia and Togbe Gbornugbe II, Fodome Omankrado.

Togbega Gbedegbleme Akpatsa II, President of the Council, said it took Fodome almost 84 years to get to their current state and they were happy about their progress.

The Chief asked his indigenes and settlers of the area to support the council so that it will serve them well.

He called on other communities in the traditional enclave which are yet to install divisional Chiefs and queens to perform that as soon as possible, this to enable them to become members of the Council to make decisions for their representatives.

Togbega Akpatsa welcomed the new members adding that they had already begun the tasks ahead of the Council towards the development of the Area.

He also praised the support of the indigenes to the Council and the Paramountcy while expressing gratitude to the Justice of the High Court for his love for the Area as well as being available anytime the Paramountcy called on him.

Fodome Traditional Area is one of the peaceful traditional enclaves in the Volta region, the area is enriched with arable lands suitable for agricultural purposes.

Source: Albert-Gooddays Kuzor