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Focus on girl-child education should not be at boys' expense

Sun, 16 Apr 2006 Source: GNA

Mpohor (W/R), April 16, GNA - Madam Sophia Horner-Sam, Deputy Western Regional Minister has said that the focus on girl-child education should not deprive boys of similar opportunities. She said a lot of attention was now paid to girls and most boys could become neglected and turn into social misfits.

Madam Horner-Sam said these at Mpohor on Saturday at a ceremony to raise 1.5 billion cedis towards the construction of a three-story building in memory of the late Mr Steven Krakue, the first Member of Parliament for the Mpohor Wassa East District, who died in 2004.

The building is to house an ICT centre, community hall, sub-district offices, post office, traditional council hall and guest rooms.

Madam Horner-Sam said it was sad that many parents were unable to control their daughters resulting in increasing cases of teenage pregnancy, early marriage and sometimes prostitution.

She urged parents to play their roles as providers, guardians, protectors and disciplinarians to mould the character of their children. Madam Horner-Sam advised them to take the national Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) seriously by registering to enable them to benefit.

Mr Joseph B Aidoo, Western Regional Minister said it was sad that many people who were honoured were long dead and could not live to re-call their trials and successes to the new generation.

He said, however, that honour should be done for those who deserved it irrespective of their financial, social and economic status in society.

Mr Aidoo commended the community for their initiative and advised them to work hard to improve the infrastructure of the area, to attract tourists and other internal programmes.

Mr Edward Tawiah-Amprofi, Mpohor Wassa East District Chief Executive said many people had died with their visions and laudable development projects because they were not supported and encouraged. He advised the people to make financial contributions towards the early completion of the project.

Mr Anthony E Amoah, MP for Mpohor Wassa East, who initiated the project, said honouring past individuals within each community should be embraced to recognise the efforts of such people towards the community's development.

He said people must not be honoured because they have become politicians but opinion leaders, family heads and individuals who had sterling qualities and had served their respective communities should be recognised and honoured.

He said each Ghanaian could do something to improve their lot and therefore advised them to start without further delay.

Osabarima Kwaw Entsie, Omanhene of Mpohor said development could only take place if there was peace and unity and called on his subjects to join hands with the development association, the MP and other development-oriented groups for the improvement of their communities. The Regional Coordinating Council donated seven million cedis and 200 bags of cement towards the project, which is expected to be completed in two years.

Kwesiminsim-Highways (W/R)

Kwesiminsim-Highways (W/R), April 16, GNA - The Reverend Anthony A Atiapah, Minister in charge of the Victory Presbyterian Church at Kwesiminsim has advised Christians to sacrifice and suffer the consequences of following Christ.

He said many people were unable to sacrifice because they wanted to enjoy the reward quickly.

Speaking on the theme: "Christ is risen, he is risen indeed", he said the women who went to the tomb sacrificed their sleep, time and energy to visit the tomb of Jesus without complaining.

Rev. Atiapah reminded them to change their ways to enable them to see and enjoy the full benefits of following Christ.

He said Christians must inspire confidence, trust, restoration and change people's lives and not "push them down".

Rev. Atiapah said the resurrection of Christ had taken away the misery, sickness, pain and hopelessness of man and restored him from fear.

At the same service, Nana Adu Ameyaw II, Effiduasehene and Nana Konadu Yiadom I Queen mother of Effiduase who are also members of the church thanked God for the successful determination of a 28-year-old chieftaincy dispute in their area.

They urged Christians to continually rely on God in all circumstances and challenges they go through.

In another development the Rev. Emmanuel K Arthur, Sekondi Diocesan Youth Organiser of the Methodist Church said the Christian youth must not see the death and resurrection of Christ as a mere celebration. He said it signified the value and essence of Christianity and the youth must be encouraged to understand it.

Rev. Arthur advised the youth live righteous lives and not to allow the pressures and fashion of the world to entice them. He said the Easter season was not meant for drug abuse, sexual immorality and alcoholism but rather a time for sober reflection and repentance.


Preaching at the Global Evangelical Church, Yahweh's Chapel at Lashibi, The Very Reverend Ferdinand Hope Gbewonyo said the resurrection of Christ should remind all Christians of the eternal inheritance that they have in God's Kingdom.

He said the resurrection was a demonstration of God's love for mankind and a further show that He was pleased with the humility and the selfless sacrifice Christ made through the shameful death on the Cross to redeem mankind.

This, therefore, should give Christians the assurance that the resurrected Christ is always with them and ready to take on their infirmities hence there was no need to be afraid of sickness and other afflictions.

Rev Gbewonyo said the significance of the resurrection was also a reminder that God's judgement on the world will come to pass since Christ, who is to sit in Judgement is alive.

In this vein, he said, it was important for all Christians to desist from acts that are inimical and went contrary to the teachings of the Bible and to the faith.

Rev Gbewonyo said to continue in a sinful life after the saving grace of God through the resurrection of Christ was akin to crucifying Christ over again.

He, therefore, urged Christians to lead upright and exemplary lives that was worthy and pleasing to God.

This they could do by entrusting all their plans in the hands of God instead of trusting in their own self will and power.


Ho, April 16, GNA - Rev Father Anthony Kornu, Parish Priest of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Ho has said that it is ungodly to give up on life when buffeted by troubles that seem insurmountable. He said Christians especially, should regard the lessons in the death and the triumphant resurrection of Jesus Christ as tonic to revitalize on all fronts of life.

Rev Father Kornu was preaching the Resurrection Day sermon on the theme: "Easter Hope for the Hopeless", to a large number of worshipers, many of whom listened from outside at his parish in Ho.

He said the despair, fear and frustration that characterized many lives today should not be a reason for anyone to want to die, warning that suicide was sinful and that one had to account for what he or she had been doing in life.

Rev Father Kornu discounted teachings that Jesus did not die and resurrected, believing that it happened and its lessons had transformed the lives of many unbelievers from then till today.

He said it was a futile attempt to explain the occurrence using science and technology since that area of learning was only trying to look into "God's room through the key hole".

Meanwhile, the streets of the Ho municipality are without activity after a brief early morning hustle by worshipers to get to their various places of devotion.

Billboards and local FM station announcements indicated that religious activities had taken prominence over social activities this Easter in the Ho Municipality.

Apart from one poster announcing a dance and another by a Hotel announcing poolside activities, there were no other big outdoor social events in the municipality. 16 April 06

Source: GNA