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Food prices slightly reduced in Tamale

Tue, 19 Oct 2010 Source: GNA

Tamale, Oct. 19, GNA - Prices of food items in Tamale have reduced slightly for July, August and September as compared with the same period last year.

According to a monthly survey conducted by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, 100kg of maize was sold for GHc34.00 in July, GHc34.00 in August and GHc32.00 in September 2010 and sold at GHc34.00 in July and August last year but GHc36.00 in September 2009.

The price of 93kg of millet was sold at GHc76.00, GHc67.00 and GHc67.00 in September, August and July respectively in 2009 but is selling at GHc64.00 in July, August and September this year.

Guinea corn of 109kg was sold at GHc56.00 in September and at GHc64.00 in both August and July this year and was at last year sold at GHc72.00 in September, GHc63.00 in August and July.

In July, August and September last year local rice sold at GHc72.00 per 100kg but was reduced to Ghc60.00 in July this year and GHc64.00 in August and September.

One hundred tubers of the white yam was sold at GHc90.00 in July, August and September last year but rose to GHc120.00 in August and GHc100.00 in September this year.

Red groundnut of 82 kg increased from GHc57.00 in September last year to GHc120.00 in July and August and reduced to GHc100.00 in September this year.

Cowpea of 109kg shoot up from GHc72.00 in July, August and September last year to GHc112.00, GHc120.00 and GHc128.00 in July, August and September respectively this year.

A crate of 52kg of tomatoes was sold at GHc70.00 in July and August and GHc80 in September 2009 and sold at GHc140.00 in July, GHc85.00 in August and GHc70.00 in September this year.

Source: GNA