
Fornication leads to ungodly soul tie - Rev Ayim

Reverend Daniel Kwesi Ayim 6.jfif Pastor in charge of the Mount Moriah Congregation PCG, Reverend Daniel Kwesi Ayim

Sun, 17 Jan 2021 Source: GNA

The Reverend Daniel Kwesi Ayim, Pastor in charge of the Mount Moriah Congregation of the Presbyterian Church, on Sunday admonished Christians to flee fornication and avoid living sinful lifestyles.

He said: “Fornication leads to ungodly soul tie” and advised men who are staying with women they are not legally married to, to formalize their unions and make it acceptable before God."

“If you want God to open the heavens to you, flee from any sinful lifestyle and live in obedience to God,” he said during his sermon on Sunday.

He was speaking on the theme: “Heaven shall be opened to you.”

Rev. Ayim said if the heavens could be opened for us, it could as well be closed to us if Christians live in disobedience to God’s words.

“If the heavens will be opened to you, you have to serve and worship God,” he said, adding that Christians needed to use their bodies to do things that please God as ‘the body is the temple of the living God.’

The church members observed the COVID-19 safety protocols, members washed their hands at the entrance, sanitized their hands, and had their temperatures taken.

They were encouraged to wear the mask at all times during the church service.

Rev. Ayim led the congregation to pray for God’s blessings for the country.

Source: GNA