Accra (Greater Accra) 18 Jan. '99
Accra (Greater Accra) 18 Jan. '99 More than 40 drivers, including 13 using trade numbers plates were yesterday arrested during a sepcial operation by the police for flouting traffic regulations including stopping to pick passengers at unauthorised places. Mr Mustapha Garbah, Assistant Commissioner of Police and Commander of Motor Traffic and Transport Unit (MTTU), observed that drivers take the law into their own hands and disobey traffic regulations on Sundays. He said drivers must regard every day of the week as a working day and observe traffic regulations to prevent motor accidents. He said it was wrong for drivers to take advantage of the absence of the police from the roads, especially on Sundays, to flout traffic regulations with impunity. Alhaji Garbah warned drivers using trade number plates to indulge in stealing and other offences, including hit-and-run, because they were seldom subjected to traffic checking to desist or face the consequences. He said the drivers arrested will be screened, and those found to have committed traffic offences prosecuted at the tribunals.