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Four new Supreme Court Judges Sworn In

Wed, 11 Jun 2008 Source: GNA

Accra, June 11, GNA - President John Agyekum Kufuor on Wednesday sworn into office four newly appointed Supreme Court Judges and urged them to ensure even-handedness in the administration of justice.

They are Ms Justice Rose Constance Owusu, Mr Justice Jones Mawulom Dotse, Mr Justice Anin Yeboah and Mr Justice Paul Baffoe-Bonnie. President Kufuor said they should be God-fearing and serve the people generally, upholding human rights and the respect for minority rights among others.

The whole nation, he said, was looking up to them to discharge their duties, not just as distinguished lawyers, which they were, but as statesmen.

"The challenge is for you to show that you are deserving of your appointment to the Supreme Court, the pinnacle of the Judiciary." He said as they walked the tight-rope of balancing the interest of the state against that of individuals or some other entity, they should always be reminded of the Oath they had taken to uphold the sovereignty and integrity of the country.

Additionally, it was important that they appreciated the "nature of business", as Ghana made efforts to attract investments to accelerate the pace of economic growth.

Ms. Justice Owusu, on behalf of her colleague Judges said they were grateful for the honour and confidence reposed in them and pledged to be fearless in the performance of their responsibilities. She said they would deliver justice without fear or favour and would not do anything that would bring dishonour to the nation. President Kufuor had earlier administered three Oaths to the Judges before presenting them with their Instrument of Appointment. These are the Oath of Allegiance, Judicial Oath and the Oath of Secrecy. ¨

Ghanaian heads the International Seabed Authority

Accra, June 11, GNA - Nii Allotey Odunton, a Ghanaian, has been elected the new Secretary-General of the International Seabed Authority (ISA).

He would begin his four-year term from January 1, 2009. His election, according to the ISA press release, was by acclamation at its general meeting held in Kingston, Jamaica, on Wednesday.

He takes over from Mr Satya N. Nandan, of Fiji who is retiring on December 31, after serving three conservative four-year terms. Mr Odunton, who used to be the Deputy Secretary-General, the release said, praised his predecessor for the innovative steps taken to broaden the Authority's knowledge base and promised to ensure continuity of the good works and policies.

He noted that with the ever increasing economic conditions for nickel, copper, cobalt and manganese, the Authority would have to work towards adopting a code for exploitation or mining of poly metallic nodule deposits in timely fashion.

Source: GNA