Investigations conducted about the credentials of some of the people behind a group calling itself CAFAC (, a purported anti-fraud company, which burst onto the Ghanaian scene recently, are found to be fraudulent.
Checks conducted with Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE);; has proved that these individual who claimed to be CFEs are in fact not members of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners and hence have never held the CFE credentials as they claimed in their press release. Also as a founding member of ACFE Ghana Chapter, these individuals are surely not members of ACFE Ghana Chapter and hence not representatives of ACFE in Ghana as portrayed in their press release.
ACFE Ghana Chapter is the only bona fide representative of ACFE in Ghana. The General public is therefore warned to be weary of these individuals and their so call anti-fraud organization. Doing business with them is at one's own risk.
Thanks! Desire Ankah, CFE Executive Director, FPACC