
Frema Busia's letter To CHRAJ Boss

Mon, 24 Nov 2008 Source: Frema Busia


Dear Ms. Bossman,


Please be advised that I shall by close of business day, Monday 24 November 2008, file a Human Rights Petition with the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, UNHCR at their local offices in Labone, Accra, to include submitting the 50 page case summaries that was submitted to CHRAJ on Dec 10 2007, for whistle blower review which requires your august offices in which I placed the utmost confidence regarding my very life to render an opinion or ruling within sixty days which you have failed to do.

You have done absolutely nothing as Acting Commissioner for Human rights Ms Bossman, on a matter which involves A plea for my life; obstruction of justice by the President of Ghana President J. A Kufour and his Presidency; colossal abuse of office; significant human rights violations and above all National Security violations by the former national Security Minister Francis Poku, a dangerous security risk to this country who subjected the territorial integrity of Ghana to risks of arms inflows and armed aggravation of conflicts in the most sensitive northern corridor due to absolute corrupt unaccountable power and unmitigated greed and complicity by the Presidency that has engineered a Cover Up to shield Francis Poku and the Presidency from criminal censure afraid of Francis Poku’s blackmailing dossiers and dark Presidential shadows.

Your unbelievable willful and deliberate inaction, Ms Bossman, equates criminal complicity in attempted murder by torture and treason by an Acting Commissioner of Human Rights and Administrative Justice. This is a serious constitutional, legal and moral indictment on you personally and on the sanctity of the office you hold Ms Bossman.

When you see Kweku Baako Rashid in the shameful discredited secret corridors of CHRAJ please tell him that this is not ‘trivia for untutored misguided masquerading mafia crusaders who have sold their souls to the devil’ Thank you. Kindly submit with immediate effect Ms Bossman certified true copies of the approximately two hundred documents [200] in your personal custody for almost two years since December 2006 to UNHCR with immediate effect for review. I shall also advise that UNHCR make an official request to you as well as to President Kufour who is also holding a set of the documents hostage for your mutual immediate compliance.

Your offices Ms Bossman are the embodiment of the spirit and substance of democracy, human rights and justice of this nation called Ghana. Kindly tell this country and the international community why you have wickedly refused to act on this case and rendered yourself incapacitated with all the documentary evidence and comprehensive case details made available to you in a whistleblower action which requires expedited fast track opinion within sixty days?

When President Kufour leaves office, I shall seek a court ‘subpoena duces tecum’ for the then former President Kufour of the Republic of Ghana and you Madam Bossman as Acting CHRAJ commissioner under oath and penalty of perjury to produce the approx. 200 [two hundred] documents submitted to both you and the President for international review if the documents are not immediately made available to UNHCR and other requisite agencies. For purposes of corroboration and or collaborative review I shall seek other contemporaneous international agency review as demonstrated by the fact that the case summaries of the CHRAJ action which I personally submitted to you were also submitted to Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International. Duly take notice that I shall also petition the incoming government post Kufour on this matter.

On International Human Rights day, December 10 2007, I submitted two independent but interrelated cases against Francis Poku and President Kufour/Presidency to your personal offices at CHRAJ for immediate action under the whistleblower Act 2005 which requires sixty days for submission of a report of investigations.

On Friday the 11th of January 2008 at about 4 pm, exactly one year to the date January 11th 2007 when President Kufour organized a midnight Presidential subterfuge seizure of documents, I personally hand delivered to you a fifty [50 ]page case summary comprising 30 pages on the case against Francis Poku, a 16 page case summary on the case against President Kufour /Presidency; a 3 page focused cover letter to your attention and a one page face sheet showing that the action had been copied to several entities and embassies including the UK, USA, EU, Dutch, Japanese, and Italian governments who have supported Peace and Security initiatives and donor funded projects that I have been involved with in my Capacities as Legal Counsel to National Security and Technical Advisor and National Coordinator of the Ghana National Small Arms Commission.

The following day Saturday Jan 12th 2008, Francis Poku was fired by President Kufour, interesting coincidence, following which I also hand delivered a copy of the integrated 50 page case summaries to Nana Oye Lithur, Head of the Commonwealth Human Rights Institute to track CHRAJ progress. Obviously there has been no progress to track

I delivered the documents to your custody in your official capacity as Acting Commissioner on Human Rights and Administrative Justice Ms Bossman, after I filed an initial case against Francis Poku on December 4, 2006 which is incorporated by reference in the current active case. As you are aware, the complaint and preliminary documents were also submitted to the Chairman of the Parliamentary select Committee on Defense and Interior Hon. Eugene Ata Agyepong and incoming Ranking member Alhaji Abukari Sumani.

Due to the risk the documents represented to my life as demonstrated by the fact that Hon Dr. Kumbour who was picked up on Francis Poku’s power flexing and terrorizing surveillance on my offices and official residence as part of his power trip abuse reported armed robbers at his residence after I gave only a couple documents to Dr Kumbour to assist with initiating a bipartisan review as ranking member of the Defense and Interior Parliamentary Committee. The fact is Francis Poku recruited police, gave them military training and money for two years housing among other loyalty inducements, used them as ‘attack dogs’ for covet operations, paid them off and dumped them on the regular police service to create massive institutional security problems. One of such Francis Poku police military recruits Moses Kutom was my assigned 24 hr bodyguard who resided at my official residence wielding an AK 47.

On December 19 2006 when Francis Poku became aware of the actions I had initiated for parliamentary and CHRAJ review he pulled my residential security, and instituted a reverse criminal BNI investigation to further terrorize me and clear him of the allegations pending before Parliament and CHRAJ filed by me on Dec 4 2006.

The BNI did not do any investigation whatsoever on the allegations I made against Francis Poku. The BNI director merely wrote in a report to Francis Poku who as his boss had instructed him that the allegations are untrue against the weight of evidence in national security files. The BNI report which was an attempt to falsely incriminate me is scandalous and void and the BNI Director should be fired. I discussed these facts with you Madam Bossman and even sought your assistance to reinstate my security watchman Robert Ondasek to no avail during the first week of January 2007 when you had an active complaint before you with documentary support

Furthermore, at a meeting with you a year later on Thursday Jan 16, 2008 Madam Bossman, I specifically asked you if you could use your good offices to get a copy of the infamous BNI report which had been used as a torture tactic for your review. The whistleblower act enables you to do this by court order. The BNI which is not part of CHRAJ or Parliament but part of Francis Poku's torture ambit certainly cannot clear Francis Poku of Allegations before CHRAJ and Parliament. This is nonsensical.

It is based on your instructions to your personal secretary and personal assistant, Madam Bossman as the repository of the documents in this case for purposes of my safety that copies of the documents in your custody were made for my meeting with President Kufour on January 11 2007 when I thought I was going to get a reprieve from the Francis Poku menace. President Kufour who attempted to tie my hands for Francis Poku’s ultimate execution ordered me to withdraw the case against Francis Poku and retrieve documents from Parliament and CHRAJ. President Kufour then confiscated all the documents although a significant number of the documents had already been in the custody of the chief of staff for one and half years since July 5 2005 without any action.

You are fully apprised Ms Bossman of President Kufour’s seizure of documents on January 11 2007 and his order that I withdraw the initial case filed against Francis Poku and recall documents submitted to CHRAJ as well as Parliamentary Select Committee on Defense and Interior filed on Dec 4 2006 because this is the fundamental basis of the obstruction of justice 16 page case summary before you on which you have failed to act.

Furthermore, Madam Bossman I informed you that even if the contractual aspects of the case were to settle by agreement with the office of the President, which agreement the President has subsequently reneged upon with documentary evidence in his secret closet, I would certainly not withdraw the aspects of the case relating to National Security, abuse of office, conflict of interest and human rights violations and torture mania.

With the Presidential seizure of documents, I already anticipated that a scenario of ‘plausible deniability’ may arise that would require international oversight of this case as is happening now, this is why I took preemptive steps and copied the international donor and human right s community of my formal 50 page submission to you ms Bossman.

The fact is, the Presidency in a politically suicidal ‘Kufourgate’ maneuver has staged an overwhelming multi institutional cover up for Francis Poku with Presidential seizure of documents not unlike the Watergate scandal which led to the resignation of former U.S. President Richard Nixon. It is of course dubious and morally and legally reprehensible that the BNI Director on February 8 2007 handed a report to Francis Poku purporting to clear him after President Kufour paved the way for his clearance by seizure of documents on January 11 2007 in a midnight bullying frenzy. This is a classic mafia Presidency, This is the abysmal sham ‘the produce the evidence’ President Kufour has reduced our democracy to.

On Wednesday, 16 Jan 2008, 4 days after Francis Poku was fired from his infamous reign of terror, you Ms Bossman invited me to a meeting which was held in your office around noon the following day Thursday 17th January 2008 in the presence of your Deputy Commissioner. You, Ms Anna Bossman advised that I consider using the normal CHRAJ process, up to 18 months since the whistleblower Act requires submission of all documentation to the Attorney General rendering the process subject to political manipulation. I told you categorically and unequivocally that I wanted to test this country’s democratic mettle and was standing firm by the whistleblower review which required CHRAJ ruling in sixty days. I pleaded that my life was under threat and I thus needed the expedited sixty day review process mandated by the whistleblower Act as depicted in my petition which is captioned ‘A plea for life.’

You, Ms Bossman on 17th January 2008 then stated that you would write a formal acknowledgement of the receipt of the case as required under the whistle blower Act. You have failed to do so to date. You have failed abysmally to comply with even the most basic requirement of the whistleblower act. You instructed your staff in my presence to start copying the documents for the Attorney General. Whatever happened thereafter Ms Bossman?

Predictably, I stated in my case summation that President Kufour has given you a job that he does not want you to do. I have been proved right. Your deadly silence and inaction speaks volumes. The question for you Ms Bossman to answer is this. Has the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice been so infected with the Kufour corruption virus as to make a disclaimer of truth when my life is under threat and condone falsehood and injustice in a ground breaking historic case that has the potential of redefining and perfecting Ghana and Africa’s democracy? If so Madam Bossman with your horribly misplaced priorities you have certainly missed your place in the annals of continental democratic history. Posterity will also judge you very harshly for compromising Ghana’s democracy.

Your inaction in this matter Ms Bossman constitutes abuse of your own office and palpable conflict of interest in protecting the Presidency, this subjects you to criminal censure for participating in obstruction of justice and human rights violation Madam Bossman as well as an accessory after the fact to treason cover up. You are the Acting Commissioner for Human Rights. What guns are the Poku/Kufour Presidency pointing over your head Madam Bossman? What inducements have they offered you to condone such illegality and to violate the constitutionally mandated duties of your office?

Please advice, where should I file a whistleblower action to review Madam Bossman and CHRAJ culpability in this matter? Where should I file an action to review BNI nonsensical torture report which purports to clear Francis Poku; A clearance of Francis Poku by Francis Poku sanctioned by President Kufour by Presidential seal on a case before CHRAJ and PARLIAMENT? What kind of valid investigation can occur without taking evidence from the party who has brought the allegations except in the no brainer annals of crusading guide newspaper discredited charade which is an insult to public intellect? The BNI report is a clear illustration of abuse of power and conflict of interest. What manner of effusive unaccountability and disdain for democracy is this?

I wonder, if Nana Frema Busia a contemporary professional female lawyer of Anna Bossman’s ilk with my political pedigree and as Legal Counsel to National Security cannot get justice from CHRAJ under Anna Bossman’s leadership and His Excellency J. A. Kufour’s Danquah /Busia Presidency who can? There has been massive systemic and corrosive institutional failure under President Kufuor including significant media and oversight democracy institutions. This case is a vivid depiction of the failure of democracy under President Kufour. The veneer of democracy is fake. The deception is so real.

Ms Bossman, Kindly do not hide behind mafia hirelings who have sold their integrity and their conscience to drug lords, those who because they have sold out to governmental drug king pins have lost the ability to read or understand the whistleblower act which deals with disclosure of improprieties, Such disclosures can be made orally. The whistleblower Act is a fast track Act for expedited Sixty day intervention. Section 5 I of the Act states that where a whistleblower makes a disclosure orally, the person to whom the disclosure is made shall cause the disclosure to be reduced into writing, thus even if I had not submitted a 50 page case summary my oral narrations to you Ms Bossman are sufficient under the whistleblower ACT 2005

Madam Bossman just explain why you have not acted on the evidence. Please Understand Madam Acting Commissioner of Inhumane CHRAJ inaction that I shall never, kowtow to panicked governmental cocaine trafficking kin pins and their paid hirelings who are throwing destructive cover up dust. They certainly shall not ever succeed in attempting to do a ‘Giselle Yahtzee’ on me. Someday, the ‘Kufour hotel’ disgrace should be revisited by a credible forensic and diagnostic audit.

The 4 page cover letter which I submitted to Anna Bossman on Jan 11 2008 is available on Ghana web for downloading by any local news agency that is interested or contact Nana Frema Busia via email at

Notwithstanding documentary hostage by President Kufour and Madam Bossman, the international review shall be done with authentic documents.

Respectfully and duly submitted by Nana Frema Busia, Protest Candidate as Member of Parliament for Manhyia Constituency, she who is undaunted by governmental contortions, woeful deceptions and torturous lies. These are the dying embers of the exposed Kufuor Presidency that has self destructed haunted by the ‘ghost’ of Francis Poku afraid of its huge closeted skeletons. Their day of reckoning shall certainly come.


Source: Frema Busia