
French Fund provides grants to three CSOs

Tue, 6 Aug 2013 Source: Public Agenda

Following the signature of three new financing agreements with civil society organisations through the French Social Development Fund (FSD), H.E. Frédéric Clavier, French Ambassador to Ghana received representatives from the newly granted partner organisations to deliver them the first instalments, on July 25th 2013 at the French Em-bassy.

Governmental Organisation operating in the Northern Region of Ghana. The stakeholders of the Association deciding to form a united front to address the challenges to the development of Northern Ghana and to build the Association into an organisation providing development services towards the reduction of poverty and illiteracy in the Northern Region in particular and in Ghana in general, do hereby write, enact and promulgate this constitution to guide and guard the smooth and efficient running of the Association.

Global Habitat for Homeless

Global Habitat for Homeless is a Non Governmental Organisation targeting youth, women and depraved people in poverty alleviation through income generating activities, the conservation and the protection of the natural resources in Ghana to improve alternative means of livelihood for local communities.

Rural Aid Alliance Foundation

Rural Aid Alliance Foundation is a Non Governmental Organisation which aims at providing interventions for empowering women and youth as change agents for the transformation of their communities promoting quality standard of life in rural, periurban and urban communities. Its core activity consists in equipping women and youth in income gene-rating activities within the Western Region, as long as on one side improving the knowledge, the skills and the practices of local com-munities in reproductive health and also

The Ghana Developing Communities Association, represented by its Executive Director Mr Alajhi Osman Abdel-Rahman, received €108,000 from the FSD to improve households income of poor and deprived women in Tamale rural communities. 280 women will beneficiate from this 18-month project.

Global Habitat for Homeless, represented by its Executive Director Mr Joseph Bismark Abandoh, received €61,294 from the FSD to assist the young, particularly women farmers in the Coastal Savanna zone to have access to improved farming technology for social enterprise. Sensitisation, awareness, training and establishment of livelihood and ecological service centre will be implemented in 13 selected communities.

The Rural Aid Alliance Foundation, represented by its Executive Director Mrs Lucy Adade, received €29,220 from the FSD to improve the wellbeing of 120 HIV infected women by engaging them in bakery services, to improve their skills, practices and knowledge in key preventing behaviours and to increase their utilisation of HIV/AIDS related services.

Ghana Developing Communities Association

GDCA is a local Non- on the other side raising awareness on human rights and gender issues.

About the FSD

Since 1999, the French Co-operation in Ghana has been supporting civil society driven initiatives through its small grants programme, the Fund for Social Development (F.S.D.). So far, more than 50 micro projects have been supported by the French Embassy, nationwide in rural and urban areas.

Carried out by and for the Ghanaian people, the projects are focusing on poverty alleviation through the implementation of projects related to income-generating activities or the promotion of social basic services. Projects targeting women, deprived youth and other vulnerable groups are encouraged.

Source: Public Agenda