
French Naval Captain Calls On Tema Mantse

Wed, 26 Jun 2002 Source: gna

Lieutenant-Commander Jean-Michel, Captain of the French Navy Ship "L.V. LE HENAFF," which docked at the Tema Harbour early on Tuesday morning paid a courtesy call on Nii Adjei Kraku the II, Tema Mantse at the palace.

Commander Godson Zowonoo, Commanding Officer of the Tema Eastern Naval Command, (Naval Base) led the Lt Cdr to the palace. Lt Cdr. Jean-Michel told the chief and his elders that the four-day good will visit that would take the crew along the West Coast is to strengthen the already cordial relations between Ghana and France.

While in the country the country, the 91-crew member, including seven officers, 59 petty officers and 25-member crew will play games and have exercises with their Ghanaian counterparts at sea.

In accordance with the custom of the people of Tema, an elder of the Tema Stool washed the face of Lt. Cdr. Jean-Michel with water stored in a traditional pot and drunk some from a calabash.

He was presented with a symbol of a traditional "Gourd", which signifies the main produce of the people of Tema and also served as a suitcase in which they packed their belongings in the past. In return, Lt Cdr Michel presented them with an emblem of the ship.

Source: gna