Alhassan Mohammed receives his award
It is said that the purest ores are produced by the hottest furnace. Once upon a time, a young man completed senior high school and decided to advance in education but failed due to financial reasons.
To reach his dream, he started as an ordinary labourer, a block fabricator, a pupil-teacher, a Susu collector [savings and loans agent] as he strives to gain the financial support to see him through the university.
The path to success was never smooth for Alhassan Mohammed but through determination and hard work, five years down the line, the Cleaner has become successful, breaking ground currently as resource personnel for Platinum Remedial Classes, a research consultant, a research assistant in the business sector and overall, a valedictorian.
This is the story of the 25-year-old valedictorian who spoke at the 8th Congregation of KAAF University College.
The cleaner turned valedictorian encouraged every student to be determined and work hard in spite of the struggles that life presents because one day,” the charcoal seller’s child will also wear a white dress.”
Quoting Ralph Waldo Emerson, Mohammed said, “Do not go where the path may lead you, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. Irrespective of the hurdles we face, we shouldn’t give up. These obstacles should rather encourage us to strive harder to attain our goals”, he reiterated.
In an interview with Alhassan Mohammed, he expressed his sincerest gratitude to KAAF University for creating a very enabling platform for him to further his education and also his mother for her enormous support.
“I am who I am today because KAAF University understood my passion and determination, so they gave me a very flexible fee payment structure to enable me to work as a cleaner and student during my four years journey. I am very grateful to the authorities and everyone who supported me,” he expressed.
The newly graduated accountant further urged all to strive for excellence in their various fields of endeavour because each individual possesses the potential to achieve greatness. The fear of failure should not prevent anyone from grabbing opportunities, instead, failure should be viewed as a means to correct one’s mistakes, learn something new and reshape aspirations and goals if need be
The Overall Best, Business Administration Student, Alhassan Mohammed concluded by encouraging his fellow graduands, to be focused despite the obstacles and missed exits, potholes, and roadblocks that lie on the road of success. Even if they get to the point of giving up, they should rather gear towards making decisions with their best interests in mind, believing in themselves so that they may achieve their goals and fulfil their dreams.
Alhassan Mohammed graduated with a Cumulative Weighted Average (CWA) of 81.47 to earn the title of the valedictorian for the 8th Congregation of KAAF University College 2019.
Source: Emmanuel Tornyi