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GAIT II Experience Sharing Workshop ends

Sun, 15 Jun 2008 Source: GNA

Mamponteng (Ash), June 15, GNA- A two-day workshop to share experiences gained since the inception of the Government Accountability Improves Trust (GAIT) II in the Kwabre district has ended at Mamponteng on Friday.

The workshop which was organized by GAIT in collaboration with the Kwabre District Assembly (KDA) enabled the participants to also plan strategically and draw a sustainable programme when the GAIT folds up from the district in July this year. All the district partners including, members of the Kwabre Civic Union,, district directors, religious and traditional leaders, and basic education coordinators were taken through best practices and lessons from the programme.

Addressing the participants, Alhaji Akwasi Yeboah, Kwabre District Chief Executive (DCE) noted that there was the need for all Ghanaians to contribute their quota towards the proper and effective socio-economic development of the country. He said, "serving oneself is not slavery and more so, if we do not do it, nobody will come and do it for us", stressing that countries have succeeded because they are united. Alhaji Yeboah therefore called on them to let unity of purpose, mutual understanding, love and hard work become their guiding principles to be able coordinate activities to enhance quality education delivery in the district.

The DCE advised them to be interested in national and district issues, saying that, because of the myriad of problems confronting the nation, foreign countries and organizations had come to assist the nation and there was the need for the people to learn from the support and change their attitudes for the better. Alhaji Yeboah called on them to be committed and have selfless attitudes and lifestyles towards the total development of the country. Mrs. Evelyn Arthur, Chief of Party, GAIT II Programme, said GAIT expected a lot from them and advised that they worked harder to sustain the programme.

She noted that apathy was becoming a major problem among most people in the country and asked that they embarked on effective educational programme to end the trend.

Source: GNA