
GBA Congratulates GJA on Golden Jubilee

Fri, 27 Aug 1999 Source: GNA

Cape Coast, Aug. 26, GNA - The Ghana Bar Association (GBA) has congratulated the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) on its Golden Jubilee anniversary. In a message released in Cape Coast on Wednesday, the GBA observed that freedom of the media as enshrined in the constitution is an indispensable ingredient for human rights and a 'sine qua non' in the quest for genuine freedom and justice.

It pointed out that both the GBA and GJA have complementary roles to play to ensure individual rights and freedom of expression. The message, signed by Mr K.Cab-Addae, Public Relations Officer, on behalf of the GBA President, Mr J. Ebow Quashie, stated: "there is a lot of goodwill from the GBA towards the GJA".

It hoped the GJA would take full advantage of the situation and draw from the expertise of the GBA in the collective fight against poverty, sickness and squalor.

Source: GNA