
GEPA Saga: Klenam blows GHC93k on clothing allowances; $132k for rent

Gifty Klenam Gepa Gifty Klenam has been dismissed as the CEO of GEPA by the President

Thu, 14 Jun 2018 Source:

The dismissed CEO of the Ghana Export Promotion Authority (GEPA) Gifty Klenam is being probed by the Economic and Organised Crimes Office (EOCO) over financial impropriety during her tenure.

Documents available to reveal that the former CEO took a whopping GhC27,000 as clothing allowance and GhC8,000 for furnishing in May 2017.

A total amount of GhC93,300 was splashed on six senior officials of GEPA including the fired CEO in May 2017 plus GhC40,000 to take care of their furnishing in the same month.

Also, the former MP of Lowest West Akim directed the finance department of the state export promoter to pay her and her deputy a whopping $132,000 equivalent to GhC580,800 as a two-year advanced rent in total violation of the public service rules.

According to a letter dated May 22, 2017, which was jointly signed by the ex-CEO and her deputy Eric Twum Amoako, the Manager of First Atlantic Bank was directed to transfer “the Cedi equivalent of $132,000 from account number 0360571101014 with you and credit same to our account no. 0360571101025 for this transaction.”

“The purpose of this withdrawal is to enable the Authority pay for rent for the chief executive office (sic) and her deputy… Mr. Eric Twum Amoako will receive the money on behalf of the Authority,” the letter added.

Per the bank account statement in possession of, the amount was cashed in two tranches with $100,000 being withdrawn on May 23, 2017 and $32,000 withdrawn on May 26, 2017.

Prior to this transaction, a May 19, 2017 letter from Madam Klenam to the Director of Finance/Procurement under the subject: Rent – said: “I refer to the section of the conditions of service, that stipulates accommodation for the CEO, Dep CEO and Directors, namely, “Accommodation provided for the CEO shall be soft furnishing, for GM shall be hard furnishing and Directors shall not be furnished,” and request that such arrangements be made.

“Whiles awaiting ratification by our new board, I recommend the payment of the above provisions to the Chief Executive Office Deputy at $3,000.00 and $2,500.00 for the Deputy Chief Executive Officer for two years respectively.”

Official documents also reveal that Mr. Amoako, who was also fired by President Akufo-Addo recently, is on a GhC24,300 clothing allowance as of May 2017 and GhC8000 to cater for his furnishing. Sources at GEPA said Madam Klenam after the withdrawal bagged $72,000 as rent allowance at $3000 a month for two years with $60,000 going to Mr. Amoako.

Per the Public Services Commission rules, rent allowances must be pegged at 20% of an official’s basic salary per month for public servants including Ministers of State and Article 71 office holders in lieu of state accommodation.

Documents available to indicate that Madam Klenam’s salary and emoluments for April and May 2017 was GhC86,681.25 with Mr. Amoako bagging GhC83,733.75.

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