
GHOSPA to withdraw emergency services

Pharmacy Drugs

Thu, 25 Apr 2013 Source: radioxyzonline

The Government and Hospital Pharmacists Association (GHOSPA) is threatening to withdraw emergency services by Monday April 29 if their concerns are not addressed.

The pharmacists have been on strike for the past two weeks.

At a press conference on Wednesday, the pharmacists stated that until their grievances are fully addressed.

According to GHOSPA, in spite of several meetings, assurances and engagements with all stakeholders, it appears nothing is going to be done about the baseless and unfair market premium that the FWSC has unilaterally and arbitrarily 'imposed' on pharmacists since October 2011.

Their decision comes after members of the Ghana Medical Association intensified their strike by withdrawing all emergency services nationwide.

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Source: radioxyzonline