Professor John Bright Aheto, former Deputy Rector of GIMPA
The quality of teaching and learning at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) has dipped significantly over the years, Professor John Bright Aheto, a former Deputy Rector of the school has said.
He told Felicity Naana Nelson on Straight Talk on Class91.3FM on Thursday, 15 August 2019 that GIMPA is no longer the star of Africa that it used to be.
Prof Aheto explained that GIMPA has lost its name recognition among Ghanaians owing to a fall in the standard of teaching and learning.
He has, thus, advised the current management of GIMPA to do a self-introspection, fish out the problems accounting for the dip in standards and address them.
“GIMPA has retrogressed significantly”, he said, adding: “GIMPA needs to go back and find out what it was doing well”.
“It has retrogressed in the sense that the image of GIMPA is not what it used to be between 2000 and 2005.
“People no longer know GIMPA. It is no longer the star that it used to be in Africa.”
Apart from Ashesi University, Prof Aheto said teaching and learning standards have generally dipped in all of Ghana’s universities, including GIMPA.
“Teaching and learning have also gone backwards”, he asserted, adding: “Generally, teaching and learning everywhere in all the universities have gone backwards except Ashesi University.”