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GJA leaders, bunch of core hypocrites – Listowell Yesu Bukarson

LISTOWEL 2 300x281 Listowell Yesu Bukarson

Mon, 26 Sep 2016 Source:

A Former Ashanti Regional Chairman of the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) Listowell Yesu Bukarson, has described the leadership of the association a bunch of core ‘hypocrites’ and ‘toothless bulldogs’.

He wondered why the leadership cannot do away with their self-seeking agendas, advising that favouritism and nepotism will not augur well for the Association if it wants to remain as leaders of the fourth real of the State.

Mr. Bukarson who contested in the Builsa North parliamentary seat of the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) was booted out of office for dabbling in partisan politics which was against the Association’s constitution.

The Association stated that, he compromised his position as the GJA Chair, for publicly contesting for a position in a political party and that he will not be able to play an objective role.

But speaking on Abusua FM’s Church Bells hosted by Ike De-Unpredictable, he questioned why the leadership refused to act same when his predecessors towed same line.

According to him, he did not violate any constitution, saying people cannot distract them from his focus.

‘People were trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill, and creating storm out of a tea cup. GJA are bunch of hypocrites, hard core hypocrites, we have empirical and monumental evidence that Nana Yaw Osei and I have said it a million times and for the sake of your show, will say it again, my predecessor contested Asante Akyem NPP Primaries and lost it, nobody questioned or sacked him, he stayed for four years, he later contested in Manhyia and lost again, nobody impeached him. He still stayed for more four years until I took over from him.

The GJA constitution has still being the same and is still the same, so what changed within 8 years of Nana Yaw’s parliamentary candidate attempts, and my situation, what has changed?, …ask the hypocrites, double-standard people, find out from the toothless bulldogs making a mole out of a mountain,’ he fumed.

He challenged the leadership to pull a clause from the constitution that states that members are not supposed to dabble in partisan politics.

‘I have read the constitution back to back and have not seen anywhere, even before I took that position, I have read it, I cannot be naïve, I took due advantage of the ambiguity of the clauses enshrined in the constitution to mastermind and spearhead my position, so anybody with this information cannot speak in vacuum and hollow, you must speak based on the constitution, we are governed by it, ask them their grounds, we are hypocrites and we must stop it, I don’t have any problems with anybody I do what I have to do and I move on,’ a livid Bukarson said.
