



GhanaWeb TV





Tue, 23 May 1995 Source: --

The drone of plane engines that disturbed Accra residents were those of an Air Force plane, and the two helicopters were positively identified as belonging to the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation. Their mission was obviously for reconnaissance.

The President's whereabouts was not known but word came in that he was ensconced around the stadium area. That probably explained the heavy military presence in the area.

Confusion reigned at the Ministries, as the Accountant General gave permission to workers to go home only for the Head of Civil Service to come in and roar his disapproval.

A call had come in from the Castle to ask why the AG's office had "allowed the workers to go and join the marchers".

Two buses full of KUME PREKO marchers from the Northern Region and their brothers in Ashanti Region were stopped at the police checkpoint at Ofankor, frisked for weapons and allowed through. By the time CHRONICLE operational bikes zoomed to the place, the group had left.

Takoradi also witnessed bursts of Kume Preko fever and the area around the market circle boomed. The regional minister was said to have gone into hiding, and reports were that Hon. Bosomtwi-Sam, the loud-mouth Chief Whip had been eyed by some anti-VAT demonstrators around his Nkotompo residence where he lives with his wife, a teacher at Ola Training College, near Sekondi.

Kumasi Residents are appealing for a KUME PREKO of their own, and have already fixed this Thursday as the D-day for action against VAT.

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