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GPCC holds annual National Delegates Conference

GPCC P Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council logo

Sun, 15 Sep 2019 Source:

The Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council (GPCC) has held her National Delegates Conference with a call on churches to abide by the word of God in order to avoid mistakes borne out of human will in their work.

This year’s conference, which is on the theme, “Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council: Celebrating 50 years of Pentecostal Influence,” tells the extent to which adhering to the true principles of Christianity could transform a corrupt world.

“We admonished our members to stick to the Bible in their preaching, not to introduce doctrines advocated by false prophets; they must preach only the true gospel,” the General Secretary of the GPCC said.

Reverend Emmanuel Barrigah made this call on on the sidelines of the opening ceremony of the conference at the Royal House Chapel Headquarters, Accra.

Rev. Barrigah admonished Christian leaders to “leave above board so that people would not have cause to complain about our lifestyles,” which fights against the reputation of the Church.

In his bid to tell the extent to which some Christians had allowed themselves to be scorned in the eyes of the public, Rev. Barrigah added that, “We boast in Ghana that we have a huge Christian population, but there is so much evil in society, there is so much corruption. So the question is who are the ones perpetrating these acts of corruption? The answer may be some persons who come to church,” he added.

To cure this seemingly unhealthy attitude of some Christians and Church Leaders, he asked that all Churches in Ghana belonged to one of the local ecumenical organizations in order to be guided in their activities so they did not fall prey to false doctrines and go wayward.

The Deputy Chairman of GPCC and General Overseer of Royal House Chapel International, Apostle General Sam Korankye Ankrah, in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA), said, “We want Ghanaians to know that the future is always in the hands of Jehovah and so there should be no reactions when false prophecies come out, because in the past we’ve had many prophecies that never came to pass.”

Apostle Ankrah said the Church was a spiritual as well as a physical organization and was made up of people but serving a God that was never seen with the eye, “So we represent God and his voice and mind, and so give directions.”

“So if our institutions are collapsing because of corruption; if developments are being impeded because of corruption, if our roads are bad because monies meant for the renovation of roads are diverted elsewhere, the Church must speak out, the Church must bring direction, the Church must bring correction.”

The Cleric observed that it did not mean therefore that the Church was free from corruption herself, because there were men of God who were also corrupt and needed to be exposed as well.

The National Delegates conference is the highest decision making body of the GPCC where the National Executive Council, Heads of Churches, Regional Chairmen, General Superintendents of the churches come together to make policies that govern their churches, and also to discuss matters of national importance and receive reports of the activities of the council.
