
GPRTU initiates measures to reduce road accidents

Wed, 21 Jun 2006 Source: GNA

Accra, June 21, GNA- Alhaji Essah Antiaye Tetteh, Greater Accra Regional Chairman of Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPTRU), on Wednesday appealed to Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies to release lands to the Union for the construction of rest houses for drivers who travel long distances.

He said the Union would undertake the project that would be in the interest of the travelling public and the nation as a measure to reduce road accidents resulting from fatigue drug abuse and alcoholism. Speaking to the Ghana News Agency in Accra on "Solutions to Road Accidents" Alhaji Tetteh said most of the road accidents were due to human errors, when a driver begun a journey at dawn without much rest would eventually suffer fatigue that might cause dizziness resulting in road accidents.

He said in addition, the rest houses would afford drivers at lorry parks the opportunity to rest during lean periods. Alhaji Tetteh appealed to the assemblies to enforce laws on the closure of drinking bars at lorry stations that offered commercial drivers easy access to alcoholic drinks.

He called on the National Road Safety Committee to collaborate with the Information Services Department to screen films on defensive driving to the public especially in the urban and rural areas. On the banning of 207 commercial vehicles, Alhaji Tetteh appealed to Government to consult stakeholders in the industry because most accidents were caused by human errors. He said a ban would affect trade and commerce to the detriment of the economy.

Source: GNA