
GSA and CID officials shut down illegal gas plant in Accra

Cylinder Warehouse GSA and CID officials shut down Quest Systems for selling gas cylinders without a license

Mon, 25 Feb 2019 Source:

An illegal gas plant reportedly located at Oyarifa in the Greater Accra region has been shut down, has learnt. reports that the action followed a tip-off that a company called Quest Systems manufactured gas cylinders for sale without a license.

“Upon the Authority’s investigations, we found out that the company was operating the facility without permit and certification from the GSA, which the Authority cannot ascertain the quality of the gas cylinders that are sold onto the market”, George Anti, the Business Development Manager of the Ghana Standards Authority (GSA) explained.

He went on to say that, the gas cylinders were not tested to any standards and the GSA cannot guarantee safety for public use.

For that reason, the GSA decided to close the facility to prevent the company from selling the products onto the market because it posed a serious threat to consumer safety.

Anti further noted that the GSA’s action was in line with the Standards Act NRCD 173, which gives them the mandate to prohibit the sale of anything that would not be in the best interest of the nation.

He added that the Act enjoins the Authority to promote trade and protecting consumers from any harmful products in the country.

Anti noted that the Authority’s intervention was critical because the country had recorded a huge number of domestic fires, which had claimed lives and property, adding that, it was imperative for all and sundry to condemn these negative acts.

He stated that the country was open for legitimate and legal business and that any organisations that flout the laws of the country would face the full rigours of the law. understands that the GSA had certified only two local manufacturers; the Ghana Cylinder Manufacturing Company and Sigma Cylinders.
