
GSS to streamline production of statistics

Tue, 28 Oct 2008 Source: GNA

Bolgatanga, Oct 28, GNA - The Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) is embarking on a comprehensive strategy to streamline the production of statistics known as GhanaInfo and Information Management System databases with effect from January 2009.

The streamlining would help generate the most efficient and effective statistics to enable policymakers and other stakeholders to carry out their duties without much problems. Speaking to the Ghana News Agency in Bolgatanga on Monday after a day's workshop organized by the GSS, Mr Francis Yankey, Principal Statistician said the Service had undergone a series of review to meet the increasing demand for statistics. He added that data needs of users of statistics were not adequate because of the problem of harmonization of concepts and incomparability of data from difference sources.

The workshop was attended by programme, managers, Representatives of NGO, civil society organizations, and the media. He indicated that in addition to the establishment and implementation of the GhanaInfo and the Information Management System, the GSS in collaboration with other data producing Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) with the support of the major development partners had developed two strategic documents known as the National Strategy for Development of Statistics (NSDS) and the GSS Cooperate Plan.

He explained that NSDS is a sector-wide strategy that seeks to bring on board all statistics-producing MDAs and Institutions with the GSS playing an effective coordinating role.

Mr Yankey said the purpose of the workshop was to sensitize target participants on the two documents and enlist their support and cooperation for their implementation. He said the objective of the workshop was also to assure users of improved Statistical products as GSS engaged more partners in a coherent approach to statistical production and dissemination. Participants were taken through topics including "National Statistics System", "Dissemination of Statistics of GSS" and "System with Approach". Participants stressed the need for more accurate data to enable policymakers make and implement policies that would benefit the entire society.

They expressed dissatisfaction on the delay of the release of most statistical data on time, saying most of the data released late sometimes become irrelevant to the purpose for which it was intended. Participants appealed to Government to recruit more staff for the GSS and to motivate them well to discharge their duties effectively. 28 Oct.08

Source: GNA