
GT celebrates World Telecommunication Day

Wed, 17 May 2006 Source: GNA

Accra, May 17, GNA - This year's World Telecommunication Day, dubbed "Ghana Telecommunication (GT) Family Day", opened in Accra on Wednesday with an exhibition to educate, train and provide customer services to the general public.

On exhibition are GT leaflets such as the GT Eazyfone maxi prepaid telephony, Onetouch Credit Transfer, eCare, Dailup4u and mobile phones. The GT Eazyfone maxi prepaid telephony can be used to make all calls such as local, international, mobile and fax, while the Onetouch Credit Transfer allows resellers, dealers, sub-dealers and retailers to buy and sell air-time through an electronic system to end-users who are at the end of the distribution line.

The Dailup4u provides the a reliable dial-up internet access, helps to get online quickly and simply, improves communication and increases productivity while the eCare, an abbreviation for e-Commerce and Renewable Energy, is a development project that seeks to increase accelerated access to Information and Communication Technologies in rural and peri-urban communities.

In an interview with the Ghana News Agency, Ms Afua Amankwa of the Corporate Communications Department; said the day was being celebrated in all the regions with various activities to create awareness on their products. They would organise forums to interact with customers and solve their problems and offer the opportunity for people to subscribe. She said the day was dubbed "GT Family Day" because "our customers are considered as family members and their problems should be our problems because without them there will be no business". 17 May 06

Source: GNA