
GTZ official appeals to people to pay their taxes

Sun, 15 May 2005 Source: GNA

Nkoranza, May 15, GNA - A German management expert has urged assembly members, unit committees and traditional authorities to encourage the people to pay their taxes to enable district assemblies to generate enough revenue to accelerate the development.

Mr John Chamond Duti, Development Planning and Urban Infrastructure Management expert of the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), was addressing members of market implementation committees of Nkwabeng, Dromankese and Donkro-Nkwanta in the Nkoranza District at a two-day review workshop organised by the German organization at Nkoranza. GTZ has constructed markets for the three communities under the Promotion of District Capital Projects Two programme and the workshop was to review the activities of the market committees and the impact of the project on the lives of the people.

Mr Duti said district assemblies could only operate effectively if the people generated enough funds from internal sources to support the assemblies.

He expressed regret that some assemblies relied solely on the Common Fund allocations and urged them to cultivate the habit of paying tax and to initiate self-help programmes.

Source: GNA